
Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Hidden River

I have a river that's all my own. Yup. It's all mine. It belongs to me. I've shown this river here before but I never let on that it was all mine. That's mostly because I'm just not the bragging kind. I mean, what would I sound like if I went on and on about the things I have, like my fine river here.

I often walk down here to my river to stand there and look out at the water and think. Being in a nice solitary place to just relax and think for awhile can be a wonderful thing. The luxury of having nobody else around helps greatly. Not many people really appreciate the power of quiet contemplation.

I guess not everyone has their own river where they can do this though. But why not? Why don't you get your own river? It's not like it's that hard to do really. After all, I have mine. But I guess you don't know how to get a river like I did. Maybe I should tell you how I got mine.

Well, it all started in the year nineteen ought six... Just kidding! And I obviously don't own this river. I really never said I did. What I said was that it's mine, and it is. I claimed it just like I claim so many of my favorite discoveries. This river is one of my special places. One of my hidden places.

To the side of a main hiking trail there is a narrow hidden trail where no one else goes. But I go there. Off to the side of that small hidden trail is a smaller more narrow and even more hidden trail, and nobody knows it's there. But I know it's there.

This tiny trail is probably only suited for deer and other animals, but my curiosity lead me down that narrow path. I followed its twists and turns and its small up and down hills all the way to the end. This is the trail that leads to my private hidden river.

That is how you claim your own river. I guess it doesn't have to be a river. It can be any place you like. The only requirement is that you tell yourself that it's yours. Then you can stop and think. Think of anything that you want. Sort out your problems. Imagine a fantasy. Or just hum a song to yourself. It's all up to you. After all, this is your place, it belongs to you.


  1. yes, i have sanctuaries i call my own too. like you, i take delight in being alone sometimes. back home, when i need a quiet place to comtemplate and meditate i visit my grotto (worship place) situated in a mini forest within the city.

    thanks for sharing your river with us. :)

  2. "Your" spot, this river, seems very peaceful and pretty, Ratty. Indeed, I think we all need a retreat that we can call our own. I don't have one and you've made me think I need to search one out. That is missing from my life. I love living in the San Francisco area but it is very crowded and, though, filled with beautiful vistas, there are few places where one can truly be alone and meditate, without another person coming along and intruding, or a golf ball whizzing by. I'm going to having to find "my" place when I return mid-week.

  3. that looks like the perfect place to call your own ratty. the peacefulness of nature is the best place to be when you have a lot on your mind, or nothing at all. have a wonderful day...hugz!

  4. Everyone needs "their own river"

  5. I shall go back to discover something private and call it mine.
    If I can, I would like to say Cerok Tokun is mine. LLLLLOOOOLLLLLLL.

    By the way, why don't you name it Ratty River.

  6. Oh, it's so beautiful and what a treasure to find. I'm very fortunate to have many places in our woods where only Mountain Man and I go. I take a lot of comfort in being alone in these special places but I don't have my very own river. How fantastic.

  7. Yup, I "own" a lot of real estate that way. And I get really huffy if someone else is in my places. Then I have to deal with reality in the woods. Not a good mix.

  8. What's not to love about a piece of your own river. there's nothing like a peaceful spot where you can sit and think and all is right with the world.

  9. it's great you have your own river, a place where you can juust sit, enjoy the quietness and contemplate.

    when we hiked 2 weekends ago at the mountains, we completed our hike without seeing any hiker in the trail, it felt like, we owned the mountains, it was such a great feeling :)

  10. Are there any fishes in your river Ratty?
    Very nice and serene river.

  11. I too have a place that's all mine...I'm sure other people know it's there to, but it is my special place and that is what counts!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Your river is a wonderful and peaceful natural place. It's nice to have a place like this for our solitary moments. It renovates us.

  14. I have many places of my own, like you...except I co-own it with the ducks and birds and other animals. I don't mind, as long as they don't mind. :-}

  15. I would love to have that view. All I have are palm trees and the ocean-sigh...It does get old. That's why I am returning up north to complete my masters and PhD

  16. Thanks for sharing your beautiful place! I use very similar techniques myself--where ever I happen to be living or visiting!! It helps keep me balanced most of the time.

  17. Quiet, sucluded, alone, with nothing and noboby just the sound of Gods' creatures. The trees dance in the wind. Sometimes there is nothing more perfect. Try laying on your back and gaize up at the sky. Enjoy the clouds flaoting by and see how many animals you can make out of the clouds. My Mom and I use to do this. Another great thing to do is take your socks and shoes off and walk thru the cool grass. Or in your bare feet walk slowly thru the mud and feel the cool mud squish between your toes. Your river is beautiful. Just you and your bestfriend Ratty. I wonder what you guys talk about. she said with a smurk on her face.

  18. What a nice place to call your own! Now I too, must go out and claim a piece of the earth for myself.

  19. When I lived in the mountains I had my very own waterfall and pond that no one knew about and my very own rock ledge that I would sit on for hours to escape the world and nothing ever disturbed my peace.

  20. I think your river looks serene. Serene is good. What is it about water places that makes them special? The quiet murmur of the water. The ripples? The drift lines? Glad you showed your hidden river.

  21. Ratty what a beautiful and serene spot. I like you, feel the same way about my botanical gardens. When I am there I feel as if it's mine. When I encounter someone else there I feel like they are intruding on my space. It's so important to have these sanctuaries in our lives. It refreshed and restores the spirit.

  22. I just found your blog through the Nature Blog Network. Looks like good stuff is going on over here and I may be stopping by again soon.

  23. I/we have moved around quite a bit but I've always had my own river where ever I've lived. In one place it really was a river, at another it was a stretch of beach on the Pacific, and here it is several places, one of which is a very small hidden section of a stream.
