
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Geese Of The Fog

I guess since I started showing you these videos a few days ago I've become video happy! I really had no idea how easy it was to make this stuff, but now it's becoming fun. This one is another slide show because I didn't have the idea for the video yet. Slide shows give me an opportunity to show you some limited animation, and also show more pictures than I usually could.

I got these pictures from the fishing platform on the lake on that same foggy day when the deer came out of the fog to look at me. I was standing there trying to see even my hand in front of my face when I heard geese honking down at the other end of the lake. It then occurred to me that the sound was coming closer.

As I looked into the fog, they came into view! Those geese seemed to be flying right toward me! It all happened so fast, but it seemed as if it were happening in slow motion. As they got closer they turned a little toward my right, and they were soon flying right past me over the lake. Just like that it was over. Seeing them in the fog and hearing the eerie hollow sound of their voices was just amazing!

Little did I know that the lake was just full of geese. When I went down to the other end I found about a dozen more swimming around by the dam. Take a closer look at the goose on the left. Its mouth is open in mid-honk. It was really hard to see them, but what I could see was fascinating!

Here's a slightly better look at the larger part of the group. It's still only half of them. They were swimming away quickly, so I didn't have much time to get my pictures. As I was taking these shots another group came flying in above me. I heard them splash down into the water, but I saw nothing. They soon came swimming back into view.

Alrighty then, that's our little look at geese in the fog. Hopefully I'll have an opportunity to get you some videos and pictures without the fog in the next few days. Which should I choose though? This is going to be tough!


  1. Canada geese always look so graceful swimming, they are lovely birds. I like your video slide show, good shots of them in the air.

    I think the one that is honking is asking if anyone knows where they are going in the fog.

  2. Wow! I love how they fly in formation. Can imagine you waiting in the fog for things to happened. Good one Ratty :)

  3. Really cool. I never understand those birds here in Chicago that don't go south. When it's frozen I think I want to go out and get some pictures of the cold Canadian geese. Love your capture of them flying. Enjoy your adventures. I'm healing from foot surgery so I live vicariously.

  4. Great little slide show Ratty! Shows them flying real good! I'm glad you are getting into the videos. Love your fog photos. It's very windy here today but now snow yet. I'm glad of that. I always think the hunters will be able to track the animals better if there is snow out there. I sure wouldn't want them finding the foxes den. Have a nice day!

  5. Just catching up on your last few posts. I love your videos keep them coming...please :)

  6. i'm loving your videos and slides ratty! a nice addition to your blog. have a great day...hugz!

  7. wow! i was only away in the blogosphere for few days and now you have a RAT TV Production! way to go Ratty! i enjoyed it! ;)

  8. That slide show/animation was wonderful! I just love the atmospherics and then the surprise of the flock passing through! How inspiring.

  9. Post at 4:20AM, Ratty? Don't you ever sleep? You are just like me, I guess!

    At any rate, I love the video and the photos of the geese in the fog. Just as long as nothing creepy ever comes out at you!!!

  10. Now everybody is talking about Rat TV. It put us more into your place, i am innnnnnnnn thereeeeeeeeeeeee.

    Do you see me?

  11. Very nice slide show, Ratty, and I can't believe you are still able to take pictures of the geese in that thick fog!

  12. Yep, I'm with Rainfield. Saw ya on the news last night :) That is so cool that you caught them not only in flight but in the fog. Spielberg - Watch Out! Ratty's on the prowl.

  13. sure love the fog, and the rat tv production is such a cool idea, like you, i find it fun :)

  14. The slide show works pretty well! Fog makes everything so different. Should we do a rat and shark show?

  15. I have always loved the geese. People here shoo them away because they leave their waste...but I love them.
    I will have to learn to do videos too. I am sure my camera will record them fine...I just haven't "gone there" yet. ha

  16. Awesome Ratty!!! Loved those birds flying through the fog. I still love fog. I can just anticipate the cool misty air, breathing in the quietness it provides and the refreshing feeling it give me.

  17. Wow... Love the birds.. great Job

  18. Thank you all for your comments on my Geese Of The Fog post. I'll just answer some questions this time since I've gotten behind.

    I'm sometimes up as early as 4:20AM, but my posts are all scheduled for that time of the morning. I usually write them the evening before.

    A rat and shark show would be great!

  19. It's a good thing they honk or you wouldn't have known they were coming. I used to think their "honk muscles" were attached to their wing muscles and they couldn't fly without honking. I was well into adulthood before a Canada flew over me silently—what a surprise!

    Very nice photography of one of my favorite birds in a beautiful setting. Thanks!
