
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Fall Cardinal

There is an area of the nature park that I've told you about many times before. It's full of birds almost every day. Lately that hasn't really been the case. As the weather has gotten colder most of the birds have gone away. Now the only birds I usually see are all American robins.

I like the robins but I only want to feature them here so many times before I show you something new. Even so, I love looking at the animals while I'm on my hikes, so another robin is one more fun sighting for me. My main focus is on the hiking, but I really do like sharing the animals I see along the way.

Anyway, I was looking up at the trees hoping to get a glimpse, and maybe a few good pictures, of a few of the robins that like to populate the trees in this place. I remember seeing a hint of red when I pointed the view screen at the first bird I saw, and I thought that confirmed it was indeed the robin I was after. I guess I couldn't have been more wrong.

Thanks to my zoom lense I was able to get a nice clear shot of this beautiful Cardinal! That's right, what I thought was a robin turned out to be a cardinal. The bird was so far away that I didn't know just what I had until I got home. I thought the red I saw looked a little more vibrant than usual, but I really didn't expect this.

I have to say that this is one of the greatest parts of nature; it's when you come across something as unexpected as this. I had been resigned to the fact that the only animals I would be showing you for awhile would be a select few, and then this red burst of color found its way to my camera. Ahh, the greatness of nature!

This last photo of this cardinal is actually the first picture I took of him. Yes, I said him. It's only the males that have this red color. The female cardinals are a light gray color, but they look the same otherwise. Hopefully one day I'll be able to show you a good picture of a female. For now though, I'm extremely happy to be able to show this bird to you.

I wonder what kind of creature I'll find in the forest next. Could a Bigfoot be out of the question? I'll be watching!


  1. Wow! a very fascinating photo! you have great shots. He is like having a pictorial, lol.

  2. What a treat to see the cardinal at this time of the year! I still see blue jay on occasion around here..

  3. What a pretty Cardinal. I have not had much luck photographing them.

  4. Nice photo - have not seen any around here. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Cardinals are so pretty, especially when the snow is on the ground. They really stand out! I'm glad you got some good shots at one Ratty!! Hope you get the female soon also.

  6. Beautiful bird! We have many cardinals in our yard and as often as I see them I get a little thrill each time.

  7. Wow! How lucky were you to be there at that moment!
    How lucky for us!

  8. i think cardinals (male) are so beautiful. i use to have 1 come to my house every winter. just 1 so i figured it was the same one. great photos and great find.


  9. What a majestic pose of Cardinal bird! I really love the striking red of it :)

  10. The Red is attractive. I do not think I'll miss this bird if I happen to be with you.

  11. haven't seen one pretty red hot cardinal before! this is a treat. ;)

  12. Very colorful in the winter!! Is it cheerful to see those guys or are they noisy? The scrub jays here are noisy guys always making a ruckus. That red head looks like he could squack a bunch!

  13. I only see Robins and Cardinals in the Spring time where I live. Beautiful color and it looked so striking against those bare branches.

  14. I had three cardinals at the feeder yesterday. I don't think I can afford to feed them the way they eat the seed

  15. DH is sooo jealous, he loves these birds and your pictures are gorgeous!

  16. some beautiful shots of the cardinal ratty..thanks for sharing!!

  17. You've made my day with this cardinal. I love birds and he is just gorgeous.

  18. I love cardinals. Those are some great pictures.

  19. Nice pics of the cardinal. Say, if you see Bigfoot in your travels in the woods send him my way. I've been trying to hook up with Sasquatch for about 30 years. No luck thus far.

  20. I love the cardinals, but for some reason I don't see very many over here. There were TONS of them in Ann Arbor. I think they like lawns and edges more than woods.

  21. Oh Ratty, I am SOOOO happy for you!!
    I have been trying to catch the one elusive Cardinal here for a few weeks now and I just can't get a clear shot of him...
    I am SO glad you did.
    He is absolutely GORGEOUS.
    I am so proud of you!

  22. The cardinals really stand out these days!

  23. @Sugar Daddy Dating
    This one was a completely lucky shot. I didn't know what I had until I got home.

    @Icy BC
    The cardinal was fun. I wish I could see a blue jay. That's the bird I've been after.

    @DK Miller
    This is actually the fourth one I've gotten. The first three without my zoom lense. I've been lucky.

    I'm happy I have so many here. I never noticed any before this year.

    I think I have one bad photo of a female. Nothing compared to your cardinal photos at all though. Yours are by far the best I've ever seen.

    I get the same thrill. I love all of the colorful birds.

    I was extremely lucky, especially because I thought it was a robin until I saw the photos at home.

    Cardinals are some of my favorite birds because of that red color.

    It's that red color that I like so much too. And that pointy crest on its head.

    You're right, that red is very hard to miss. This one was very far away though, so I only saw a hint of red.

    That red hot color is what makes these birds great. I love seeing them.

    There are always so many birds when I see them that I don't really know how much noise they make, but they're probably the same as the jays.

    I'm not sure about the cardinals, but I see robins all year long.

    @Joe Todd
    That would be amazing to see so many. Birds wouldn't come close if I put up a feeder. Too much commotion around.

    He can look at my pictures as often as he likes, and Ginnymo has even better cardinal pictures on her blog. You can find her here in the comments above.

    Thanks. I really got lucky with this one.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    I'm really glad you like it. He was a completely unexpected treat for me.

    These pictures were pure luck. I didn't even know what I had when I saw him in my view screen.

    I'll tell him to go see you. I thought I saw him through the trees last week, but I never got a clear look. Isn't that always the case?

    This one was right at the edge of the woods. I've seen them in this same spot several times now.

    @The Retired One
    I thought of you when I found out this was a cardinal. I got so lucky but they've been evading you. The blue jays hide from me, like your cardinal.

    Yeah, that red on all of that gray is great.

  24. Great pics of the cardinal Ratty, I never see them on this side of our state. Maybe they don't like hanging out with magpies. I can't wait to see your next find.

    Bigfoot has been spotted in those mountains you see in my photos, I'll send him your way if I run across one.


  25. @SquirrelQueen
    I feel lucky to have gotten this picture. I'm always surprised to see a cardinal.

    Seeing Bigfoot is my ultimate goal. One of these days I'll shock the world.
