
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Birds In Flight

I have focused my attention to the sky from time to time. There are many different things up there that are hard to ignore. Whenever I plan to take pictures of birds I always heads straight for an area at one park where there are birds in the trees.

The only problem is that they don't stay there for long. They always fly away just when I try to get my shot. I usually stand there and helplessly watch them fly away. The other day though I lifted the camera in quick draw fashion, like a cowboy, and pulled the trigger. I was right on target.

That bird was lucky he wasn't an old west bad guy because he would've gone down with a thud while the townsfolk cheered me on. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm getting pretty good at aiming my camera at moving objects. I still don't know how I got so lucky to center this bird with only one shot.

This picture shows the first flock of birds that I've had the opportunity to get a picture of. I guess that's because I spend most of my time under the trees of the forest. There just isn't the same view when I have to look up through the branches.

Click on the pictures to get a better look at the different poses these flying birds are now frozen forever into.

Here's the second photo of this same high flying flock. This one shows more of the birds. They were flying by at top speed so I didn't have much time before they disappeared over the trees and they were gone forever. I'm glad I happened to look up just as they passed by overhead.

This last one happens to be one of the bigger birds I've seen out there. It was so big that it made a strange buzzing whirring sound as it flew over. It also didn't seem to have to flap it's wings very often because I didn't see it do it even once. And it had one of the strangest shaped tails I've ever seen on a bird. Odd, very odd.

So there we are! I hope you liked this short look at birds in flight today. I know it was kind of goofy, but this wouldn't be The Everyday Adventurer if it wasn't, now would it.


  1. It is a big bird, and not superman.

    Sky view gives us wonder as well. Ha ha..

  2. Good idea with the 'quick draw' Ratty, maybe that's the best way to capture birds in flight. I've been trying to get a good shot of one of the hawks in the air but those guys are fast.
    Great shots of the birds, the last one is really weird !

  3. that is a strange looking bird indeed. I always have trouble getting shots of moving things. I need lots of practice with that.

  4. Such blue sky for our area at this time of the year!

  5. Birds are tough. Flocks of birds even tougher. Planes impossible, yer a superman!! ;)

    I've been stalking some birds too lately. You'll see. :)

  6. Maybe those things that flies are all airplane? Great cath Ratty

  7. Hey Ratty!

    That is a very big bird indeed! Funny how it didn't even need to flap its wings.

    I really enjoy reading your posts and for this reason The Everyday Adventurer has been presented with the Best Blog Award over at


  8. Love your pictures! I'm especially interested in the last one. I've seen one occasionally, but I'm not sure what breed he is. Very cute addition.

  9. Hi Ratty- the last one is more colorful, very unusual species.

  10. It wou7ld be very cool if you could find your geese again Ratty and get some shots of them in the air or taking off/ there's a challenge for you!!!!

  11. the last bird shot looks like a toy aeroplane. great captures of bird in flight!

    Happy Sunday!

  12. @Rainfield
    You read my mind! I was going to add superman to the story, but I forgot to do it. It's a bird, it's a plane... It's Superman!

    Actually the best way to get a bird in flight is to use continuous mode if you have one. Then just hold down the button and let the camera click away. One or more of the pictures will come out great.

    Moving things are very difficult. It took me awhile before I could get any shots of them. Once you get it though, it becomes easy.

    @Icy BC
    These were taken on an exceptionally clear part of the day. It clouded over soon after.

    If I were a superman I'd take those pictures from above. :D

    I'll watch for your bird pictures. I can't wait. :)

    That would be a neat trick for airplanes to fly in a flock. :)

    Thank you for the award. I will be right over to collect it. :)

    I wish I knew what breed it was too. It made the oddest whirring sound. :)

    Yeah, that is one very odd bird. They seem to be common around here though.

    I would love to find them again. I already have some shots of them from when they were first learning to fly. I think I posted a few of them here, but it's hard for me to remember.

    @Poetic Shutterbug
    Me too. He's a clever and funny guy. :)

    Oh no, you've discovered the secret! Just kidding. It really does look like a toy, but it was headed straight for our airport.

  13. The sky is beautiful. I like the birds better than the plane ;0

  14. Most of my in-flight shots happen by accident too...the fast shutter speeds help too.

  15. I wish I could go outdoors and start clicking away... but there's work to do, deadlines to meet and 2 kids to feed... sighhh...

    Whoaaa... that's one big Yellow bird. Reminds me of Big Bird from Sesame Street, but he doesn't fly!

    Nice shots :D

  16. @Roschelle
    I like the birds better too, but I thought it would be a fun twist to add the plane in at the end. :)

    @The Retired One
    This particular in-flight shot was kind of accidentally on purpose. I tried for it but didn't think I had any chance at all.

    I have very little time to go outdoors too, but I've found little ways to work around that. If I have a half an hour here or there, that's when I go outside, or even online.

    Now Big Bird would be a nice one to get on camera out inthe wild. :)
