
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Strange Blue Berries

My post for today is about some strange blue berries I found deep in the forest near a small river. I don't really know what kind of plant this is, and I didn't try to find out. The plant also appears to be quite dead. The reason I'm showing it to you is because of the bright blue color of the berries.

The blue color is what caught my eye. I was in a new forest and I had kind of lost my way, but I still had time to get a few pictures. I learned a long time ago to be able to determine my direction by the location of the sun. I used this trick to find my way back to my truck this time. One of these days I'll share it with the rest of you, but today I just have these strange blue berries.

I wish I would have thought to get a picture of the whole plant. I thought I did but I don't seem to have it, so these two shots are the ones I have. It doesn't matter because it's the berries that are important anyway, even if they are dead.

I have a couple of special posts coming up in the next two days. They're both Halloween related. Tomorrow will be an all new Fiction Friday, and Saturday will be the results of the poll along with a small surprise. This post has been short because I spent a long time working on those and some other things that are coming up, including a new story for Rat Tales. I hope you'll be as happy with them as I am.

(Only today and tomorrow are left to vote in the poll. The more votes there are, the more enjoyable the poll results will be, so vote now if you haven't already!)


  1. Those are very blue berries. Not sure what plant that is though. I look forward to your Halloween posts.

  2. Those are bright blue berries! Great find, Ratty!

  3. from a dead plant, those berries look pretty alive, and very blue. great shot! have a wonderful day ratty...hugz!

  4. Could this possibly be the Blue Bead Lily?

  5. Wow,those are BLUE berries!Nature sure does use every color in the fall!! Is'nt it fun getting lost in the woods,it ADDS to the advnture!Good job finding your way back to your truck!!

  6. I would say it either has to be Blue Bead (Clintonia borealis) or Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides). My guess is the Blue Cohosh because of the way they are grouped, but yeah, I need to see more of the plant to be sure

  7. those are very strange 'blue' berries..I wonder if they are edible or one of natures naughty lures!!!

  8. You are a real boy scout, Ratty, telling direction by the sun. I, alas, would be totally lost in the forest. I can't even follow google driving directions.

    The blueberries are beautiful, hanging on in spite of a post mortem bush!

    Look forward to your Halloween posts.

  9. First time I'm seeing such pure blue color on berries!

  10. Look like you have dyed the berries for the Halloween.

    Great work by a rat.

  11. I would need to see the plant, but could these be huckleberries?

  12. Your attention to vibrant color and detail is remarkable. I enjoy your photos and the stories behind them.I'm intreged Mr.R..

  13. A very unique berries. I love the color composition Ratty. Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Wow, those are brilliant in color! Don't eat 'em, Ratty!!!

  15. Very interesting berries, I have no idea what they are either. Even though the rest of the plant looks dead the berries don't. The blue is such a sharp contrast from the rest of it. Great photos

  16. Wow - that's a great picture. Really, really stunning blue.

  17. The color is so blue. Usually they have more a purple hue. Awesome shots Ratty.
