
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Look Up

Now for something totally different! I took these pictures on a whim when I was standing in the forest. I just happened to look up and decide to take a few pictures. I had no idea how they would turn out but I think I like the results.

This first picture shows off the fall colors nicely. There are still plenty of leaves on the trees, but the sunlight has changed from the way it was in the summer. It seems strange but more sunlight seems to get down into the forest now on these dimmer fall days than it did on the brighter summer days.

I don't quite understand why it is, but maybe it's because of the angle that the sunlight is coming in. The forest is brighter even on the rainy days now. I showed you a few times in the summer how a rainy day could almost blacken the forest to seem like night. It's still very bright in the middle of this same forest on the darkest days of fall.

I actually took this picture before the other one, but I thought the other one looked a little better because there were more leaves on the trees. What do you think? This is where I first got the idea to do this. Now that I think about it, I did it partially because of that brightness that I talked about.

When I happened to look up I saw how the light came down and still shined on me even though I was in the very center of the forest. I could now see the sky, while all I would have seen here a few short months ago was a dark ceiling of leaves. The forest seemed so big back then.

For some reason without as many leaves the forest seems to become much smaller. It's much harder to imagine myself so far away from civilization when it's like this. It will only shrink further when winter comes. Fall is a beautiful time but I find myself looking back to summer and missing what was.


  1. i don't like the result Ratty, I LOVE IT!

  2. i mean i don't just like it, I LOVE IT!

  3. When we look at thing differently, there is always a surprise waiting for us.

    And you really grab it.

  4. I like it! I like how the tree tops seem to come together way up there! Beautiful shots, Ratty!

  5. Great new perspective Ratty. Nice :)

  6. The perspective looks fantastic, the trees disappearing into the sky :-)

  7. I love these photos Ratty!! I makes you realize just how small we really are.

  8. Great photos! I love looking up a trees. You captured it so well. I am already missing summer. I get so sad when the last fall leaves fall off the trees. We are not there yet, but I bet in a week we'll be. Take care!

  9. Reminds me of the classic book "Light in the Forest."!!

    I love the late autumn forest when tree trunks cast long shadows across the forest floor. When an animal runs across the dark lines it looks like stop action photography, so cool!


  10. I love pictures that look upwards through the leaves. They always make the trees look so different and put the viewer in the center of the world instead of beside it.

  11. it's always great to be trying new things, i too love the result, it is wonderful.

  12. I feel the changes in the woods, big time! Spring feels so full of life...summer seems still and full, fall is brilliant and sweet in aroma and winter is barren and wind swept...but sometimes also very eerily still....
    Same spots, different nature!

  13. You words are so mythotical . They flow so nicely. You really have a knack for writing. The view is breath taking. Good job Mr.R.Keep looking up. Thank you for presenting the unexpected.

  14. Your words flow so nicely. You really have a knack for writing. The view is breath taking. Good job Mr.R. . Keep looking up. Thank you for presenting the unexpected.

  15. I think that first photo is AWESOME!! The spacing and composition is perfect. Well done. Looks like you "got it the first time" you perfectionist. ;)

  16. I always miss summer...but I do love it when spring comes around and re-birth happens...This 'look-up' feature is great....I used to do it a lot with my kids...especially in a clearing on fluffy cloudy days and we used to see what we could fins in the clouds!!

  17. Great shots Ratty, that's my favorite way to view the trees. The leaves here are also disappearing fast and the days are getting shorter.
