
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September Wildflowers

I have decided to bring you my latest wildflower discoveries today. I hadn't intended to bring these to you today, but some of my other things aren't ready yet. And besides, I took every one of these photos with the intention of showing them to you. I guess now is as good of a time as any. Make no mistake, I love every photo in this group. I hope you enjoy them too.

Here is a nice goldenrod plant. I've shown goldenrod before, and this one is near a huge field of them, but I thought this particular plant was incredibly beautiful and it stood out among all the others.

These little blue flowers, with a hint of purple, have been popping up everywhere recently. I took my time to get this picture while fighting with mosquitoes and bees the whole time. I just thought it looked nice there on the side of the forest.

These tiny white flowers don't particularly look very nice up close like this, but there were so many of them in the nature parks that I felt that I needed to include them. Variety is the best thing I can present to you.

While they don't look good up close, they do give a pleasant little flash of white whenever I walk by a group of them. The only problem is that I had trouble duplicating that effect in a picture. Sometimes there is just no substitute for real life experiences.

This last one seemed to just stand out and beg me to take its picture. As soon as I arrived at the meadow this flower was the first one waiting for me there. It was bigger and brighter than all of the rest in the area. I guess it was the star of the meadow, just as the stars are like flowers in the sky.

I'll be back tomorrow with what I hope is another story, and I hope to get some other things back on track. If there were just a few more hours in a day I would probably still need more time. I really need to stop writing this stuff at the last minute. I'll talk later.


  1. Lovely flower! And I am the first! Muahahahaha... oops.. :P

  2. I can't think of too many things better than a field of wildflowers. The sight must have been wonderful.

    The photos are gorgeous and all are very beautiful but the large white one is my favorite.

    There are never enough hours in the day and I know what you mean about writing post at the last minute.


  3. Those are very pretty. I didn't need the reminder that it was September though. Not ready for fall. But beautiful flowers cheered me up.

  4. Lovely flower is one of those good things to help practice and experiment on our photography skill.

    If I have more Saturday and Sunday, I'll fulfill the promise I have made very much earlier. Sigh...

  5. I enjoyed looking at the wild flowers and dread not seeing those bursts of color around. Sorry I missed your cutest animal poll, I would have chosen the deer.

  6. The blue-purple is an Aster most likely New England Aster.

    The little white cluster of flowers is also an Aster - Flat topped White Aster

    Ya got me stumped with the first and last flowers. Not sure if they're wild or garden escapes.

  7. Wow.. they're so bright and beautiful.. cheers up the mood in no time.

  8. Wow, these are beautiful. I love wildflower photos. Yours are so diverse!

  9. Lovely Ratty!! I really like the purple looking daisy!!:-)

  10. Have you ever gotten stung by a bee while taking photos of flowers?

  11. Beautifully captured Ratty, the wildflowers are lovely.

  12. The purple ones are beautiful. I would love to have a field of those.

  13. Beautiful, beautiful wildflowers! I like them all..

  14. beautiful flowers. I especially like the blue one

  15. Loved these. We always know when we see the purple asters that fall has officially arrived. These are all wonderful macro shots, Ratty. Thanks for sharing them with us!

  16. First and last are garden escapes: Cosmos. I think the blue one is Large-leaf Aster, and the little white one for sure is Calico Aster. The centers fade from yellow to purple a they age. You did a really good job of getting the essence of each bloom. Not an easy task!

  17. Woooo, so pretty. Now imagine these as a total bouquet!? I've been doing more flower again I love to look at what's up here 'cuz mine are sort of different. This brightened my day, thank you! Are the pink and white flowers cosmos?

  18. Thank you all for your kind comments on my flower photos. And thanks to those of you who identified them for me. You know who you are. Anyone else who is wondering, the names of the flowers are in their comments. :)

    Joe Todd - No, I've been lucky enough not to have ever been stung while taking the photos yet. I have been chased a few times though. :)

  19. Lovely to see these open flower.

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