
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Deer Apples

I said I was going to show you something with this little deer that would delight you, and if this doesn't do it you aren't looking. You might have to click and expand these photos to see them more clearly, but there is something odd going on here.

Can you see it? This is why the little deer didn't want to leave this spot, even though I was jumping around like a monkey. (See that! Even though I'm behind on answering comments here, I enjoy reading them all.) It didn't bother this deer because she had never seen a monkey before anyway. This deer had found a tree that was just full of apples!

As I hopped back and forth, fighting with the bees, and luckily I didn't get stung, I was watching the little deer eat about half a dozen of these apples. This is the first time I know of that anyone has ever captured a scene like this. As far as I'm concerned, this deer is absolutely adorable while it eats it's fill of delicious apples.

When it first wandered toward that tree, I thought it was ready to get away from me. It started looking around the tree, and I thought it just was having trouble getting past it. It was really just looking for a good apple to eat.

It behaved as if I was its friend as it happily ate the apples. It reminded me of a happy puppy dog, as it looked at me while chewing these apples and gulping them down. This was really an amazing sight! I don't know how to describe it any other way. I was really excited to see something like this.

Here's a closeup of the deer's face while it was eating. It's hard to see because of the tall grass, but I wanted you to see it anyway. The whole encounter with my little deer friend just delighted me because the deer just seemed so happy. I hope it gets to stay that way for a very long time.

Okay, I have more deer pictures from the very same day, but I'll wait awhile before showing them to you. I want to keep this encounter special for now. I do have some more interesting encounters for you coming right up though. Maybe not as cute as this dear deer, but they are very interesting indeed!


  1. You really got some great photos. I really like the one with the apple in its mouth.

    Even a dancing monkey wasn't going to make him leave without getting his fill of apples.

    Several years ago my hubby and I did a little house sitting on an old farm. There was a plum tree that was so over burdened with fruit the limbs were breaking. I trimmed a few limbs and left them on the ground. Before I could get them cleaned up two deer came and ate all the fruit and leaves.
    The next day I cut more limbs and the deer returned. This went on for over two weeks and I was getting about a dozen deer each day. It is a wonderful thing to watch.

  2. Getting pictures of deer is not an easy task. Kudos for the fabulous pics! Thanks for sharing, I love deer.

  3. Magnificent photos. I cannot even imagine your excitement and utter astonishment when you found yourself in this position.

    Most of us have experienced the beauty and awe as they may scanter across us on a a distance. But to be able to actually have a still few moments to watch them is so rare.

    Thank you for sharing!

  4. What great photos of that deer Ratty. There are a couple apple trees out here in the woods and every fall the deer flock to it. But it's too far away for me to see them eating any. I have to admit that I have thrown apples out in the winter for the deer though. I get them close that way to get good photos..Ha!

  5. That is something special! Deer with apples. Funny thing that deer didn't run away after it saw you Ratty. Watch out for those bees.

  6. A meal and a show, what could be better? Those are really great capture of the deer eating apple.

  7. i'm back and you'll be seeing me here often. i'm enjoying your blog. :)

    i like the first shot most!

  8. The deer should have invited you together for the meal. But I maybe wrong, monkey may not like apples.

  9. That is just so adorable!! I can really relate to the little deer--my favorite fruit is apples, too!! What a special adventure this was for you!

  10. you were right, this was a special treat for us! i can only imagine how excited you were to be right there to get these excellent shots.

    have a great day my friend, much love to you!

  11. Apples are a golden treasure to a deer!! Hope she did not get an upset stomach.

    Congrats on 2nd place in the scavenger hunt!! I was right on your heels... Hee hee.

  12. Ratty great photos That had to be a fun post to do. Yesterday I mowed my front yard and ran over an in ground hornets nest. I was lucky only 2 stings . still hurts.. Have a great day

  13. Oh, that is a GREAT shot! How cool that you were there to see it.

  14. Fantastic detailed capture of the deer Ratty. He's a happy camper with his apple and his buddy making him a celebrity on his blog :)

  15. oh, lovely! another set of priceless photos, thanks for sharing the happiness you found. love the deer apple pics.

  16. Nice pics once again on another fulfilling adventure.

    Definitely look good in full resolution-well done!

  17. hahaha....caught that deer in the act! good shot! did you wait long to capture that shot? really cool!

  18. The last photo is so close. It's like I can reach out and touch it. Well done.

  19. That really is cute! I've sure never caught one with an apple in its mouth!

  20. That is sweet. We have been throwing apples from our tree (the buggy ones) over the deer fence down to our bottom acre to watch the deer come in to feed on them in the evening. Amilia has been sooooo excited that she fed a wild deer, and one came up within about 4 feet of her to pick on up. I hate to get them to thinking about trying to jump the deer fence to get inside to the tree, but the poor things are hungry this time of the year when much is brown.

  21. Just have to say that is my favourite post you've done! Those photos are amazing and so damned cute! The one where he's chewing the apple (the second one) is my favourite.

  22. Great pictures, can imagine how exciting that must have been to have actually seen. Hope the poor deer didn't end up with a belly ache from eating all those apples

  23. Be careful though...the bear do the same thing...and they may not be quite as friendly!
    This deer is adorable and how neat that you got a meeting of the souls!

  24. Thanks for your comments, everybody! It was indeed a great day watching this deer eat the apples in front of me. I'm glad there are no dangerous animals, like bears, around here that also like them. :)
