
Monday, September 7, 2009

Angry Ratty

I am going to do something a little different today. This post is going to be a little bit on the negative side. There is some fun too, but I was more than a little angry when I took these pictures. This anger may be justified and maybe it's not. I'll explain what happened.

I was coming home from a happy trip to one of my nature parks, and I found five animals together waiting for me. If you look in the pictures you'll see an adult deer and her three fawns. There was a fifth animal, a chubby little woodchuck, happily grazing along with the deer, but it left before I got the pictures.

Normally the fact that the woodchuck ran away would be no big deal, even though I would be disappointed about it. But the woodchuck ran away for a reason, and that reason wasn't the fact that I showed up. It was driven away on purpose by somebody else.

As soon as I got out of my truck, with my camera in hand, I heard a loud bang from somewhere off to my left. It wasn't a gunshot or anything like that. It was just one of my jerk neighbors trying to frighten these animals away when they saw me with my camera. I looked but I never saw who did it. I'm sure it was on purpose.

I don't even know these people but I know how they behave. Not everybody here is like that, but several are. They're the same reason I don't keep anything outside the house. I hope I'm mistaken about this or just overreacting, but sometimes you just get a feeling when something is on purpose. And I'm writing this post to get rid of my anger.

...There. All gone.

Luckily the deer weren't frightened at all by the noise. The interesting thing is that I suspect these are the same deer I saw a few weeks ago early one morning at a nearby nature park. If they are the same, they've traveled farther than I thought they would, but it wouldn't be surprising. I hope this deer family gets where they're going safely. And I hope I get to see them again one day.

How's that for an adventure? Angry Ratty. Grrrrr!


  1. I'm glad my neighbours aren't like yours Ratty. :-( Yesterday we stood by the fence and talked about the wildlife we'd seen in the garden recently :-)

  2. some people can be such jerks. Hey maybe the crazy lady that's been coming to my house can bake them some cookies with exlax in

  3. People can be terrible. You're probably right about it being intentional. I've seen people call stray dogs over to them...just to kick the poor thing. People really can be jerks.

    Keep doing what you're doing. I love your pics and your adventures

  4. LMAO...I love reading your blog. I get so caught up in the pics and what you're saying til I ALWAYS forget to drop on your Entrecard....fixed it!!

  5. I would be angry too if that happened, and am glad you have the pictures to share. The deers are beautiful in a wide open space like this!

  6. Jerky neighbors are the worst! The lady down the hill from me used to watch my place with binoculars and then call if there was a strange car in the driveway. I'm sure glad my husband finally scared her from doing that!

  7. May God bless them. They will feel very sorry on what have been done in one day.

  8. Hey Ratty, sorry to hear about your horrible neighbours. I hope you find out who they are one day and give them a piece of your mind. Why are some people so crappy like that? Glad the deer didn't scare easily too.

  9. great picture. Mama doe had three fawns! That's amazing.

  10. That is one of the major irritating neighbours you have Ratty! Send your evil rabbits army to their house! So inconsiderate!

  11. The deers are really beautiful !! I admire but i am sad because of the anger..Unseen Rajasthan

  12. How frustrating and rude! I don't understand some people.... Im glad you still got some wonderful pictures of the deer though! Lovely!

  13. I hate neighbors. That was just cruel on every account. Sorry that happened to you, Ratty.

  14. They are so beautiful! I live just outside of downtown Charlotte, NC but as the housing grows I acquire more wildlife. I have the traditional squirrels and birds but I've also had the joy of rabbits, hawks and a pair of owls. I hate to see our wildlife being run out. After all, they were here 1st.

    I would have been mad too!

  15. The photo is beautiful Ratty. I'm sorry you have to deal with those kind of neighbors. I have some around here like that too. They even had a Porcupine killed just because it was wandering around in the daytime. I'm always afraid that the foxes might be killed. I hate people that don't appreciate wildlife.

  16. Maybe the neighbors are tired of growing salad for the chucks? I don't always feel overly friendly toward the animals in my gardens.

  17. i will never understand where the act of being cruel will benefit you. what a bunch of losers.

    have a great night ratty, hugz to you my friend!

  18. Sorry to hear about this incident Ratty. There seem to be way too many of these jerks in the world. We are lucky where we live now to have great neighbors.

    I am amazed by three fawns, that is unusual I believe. I have always seem one or two.

    Thanks for sharing,

  19. if i am in your shoes, i'll be pissed off as well...

  20. Oh deer, while I would never intentionally interrupt someone taking a photo of wildlife, you have a different perspective when a regular herd of deer (7 to be exact) roams your neighborhood regularly and eats everything in sight - ten years worth of hosta, euonymous, arborvitae, even a sharp-edged yucca plant by the mailbox, not to mention I can no longer plant annuals like impatiens in the back yard. Even tried protective spray, bars of soap, you name it. All we can plant here is boxwood. The deer don't like it! If only they would eat the weeds!!!!

  21. I just don't understand some people at all. Don't let that incident keep you from doing what you do. Keep up the good work.

  22. You set an excellent example for your neighbors, too bad they do not follow it. Great post Ratty.

  23. I pity them for their sad, sad, mean lives....
    it would suck to be them.
    Don't give them power by being angry. That is what they want.
    Your love of animals will counter any of their meanness in the universe.

  24. Thanks to everybody for your comments. I read every one of them, as always. In an effort to keep up with everything here in the blogging world I'm not going to answer each comment individually every time now. It's a better solution than just not acknowledging you. I'll try to answer everything when possible, and I'll always try to answer a question. This is all so I can try to make the time to visit all of your blogs as well. And to keep writing my posts every day. If anybody has any suggestions, I'd welcome them. Thanks again, everybody!

  25. Funny neighbors you've got.. but ya, that was such a nasty thing to do. They may not realize the gravity of their mischief until they get treated the same way. =D

    Anyway glad that the deer family stayed around and enjoyed their meal.

  26. I don't usually notice my neighbors at all, but for outside things of any kind they act like that. The animals never come close to the houses, and that's okay.
