
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Red Dragonfly

I happened to be out at my favorite pond at the very back of the first nature park I ever visited. I was after a few pictures of some ducks that were at the far away forbidden end of the pond. While I was walking over there through the weeds I found something completely different.

What I found was a butterfly flying around. It was a small orange butterfly with black spots. It kept landing on plants and then flying away too fast for me to get a picture. Then it met up with another of its kind and they began flying circles around each other like all butterflies like to do. That's when I saw my ultimate prize!

It was this red dragonfly you see in these pictures. I believe it is called a Red Skimmer, but I could be completely wrong about that. I really don't know much about dragonflies yet, except for the fact that they eat those evil nasty mosquitoes! That's right! Dragonflies are our friends.

The great thing about this dragonfly was that when I first saw it, it was still in the air flying around and enjoying the day. It hovered in several places, but I just wasn't fast enough with my camera to capture it for all to see that way. I'd love a shot like that!

As if the kind little creature understood what I wanted, it landed on this old flower top. This gave me the perfect opportunity to get a few quick shots of it before it flew away. But the great thing was that it didn't fly away yet. It stayed right there until I was satisfied. I got some decent pictures before it flew into the air.

I knew my pictures were only passable, but I was happy. I took some faraway shots of the ducks that didn't turn out very good, and then turned to leave. That's when my little dragonfly friend decided to land right back on the same flower to give me another chance.

When I began again, my pictures were so blurry it hurt. But then I figured out the right way to get the focus and I began getting more pictures. These pictures are some of those. My friend the dragonfly even let me move right in close so I could get the best shots possible.

I guess he wanted to be an internet star just like the squirrels and the geese. I'm glad I broke a few rules and went where I wasn't supposed to go. Otherwise I would never have made friends with this little red dragonfly. Of course, I checked to make sure it was safe before I went to that forbidden place. Ahhh, I really like dragonflies!

I seem to be running a little behind with everything again. It's not a big deal. I just need to catch up with things. I'm finding so many things in nature right now that I'm feeling overwhelmed. I just have trouble writing when I have so many things swirling through my mind. I guess it's actually a problem we all would like to have. How do I write about the birds I found when there are tiny toads to mention, or even a fascinating story about the geese! I'll just have to find a way. Woe is me!


  1. Wow, I've never seen a red dragon fly. The closest I ever got to getting a picture of a regular one was when I found a dead one floating in my They have the most amazing wings.

  2. Beautiful red dragonfly! The background of green brings its color out so perfectly!

  3. This little critter can be the greatest pleasure when we manage to capture a close up view.
    I also wonder why it never left while I was taking a close range shot.

  4. that is the first time that i have ever seen a red dragonfly. fantastic pics ratty!

    maybe when you are feeling overwhelmed you could just write the posts and save them for days that you aren't feeling like going on an adventure. then you will have back ups and will be able to take it easy for a day or two.

  5. Beautiful, well done on capturing that shot!

  6. Wow! Striking red! Good thing you break the rules and share with us this beauty Ratty :)

  7. what a beautiful red dragonfly. oh, i think it is okay you post others later too, i too have a lot of unshared discoveries, i just choose which one to post first, but sometimes, it takes me more time to decide which one to share first than to write the post itself :( so definitely, having too many captured beautiful moments can be overwhelming too. hope you have a good weekend.

  8. Love your photography, you always have amazing shots. I had no clue that red dragonflies existed thanks for sharing.

  9. Such a delicate creature, and red too – I had never seen one. But your recounting the story of how you got the photos is very nice too.

  10. Wow I just got my very first dragonfly shot today also! But, mine's not blue.

    But, I am stilled thrilled. I have been trying and trying to get a shot. Now I just hope at least one of the 10 or so turned out well.

    I know how difficult it was for you to get this shot and a red one to boot..Wow..awesome!!:-)

  11. Dragonflies are beautiful creatures and I'm so glad you were able to capture this photo. It is fantastic.

  12. Oh, that red dragonfly is very cool! We get a lot of dragonflies by the pond--they lay their eggs on the plants in the water for the nymphs to be hatched. I enjoy watching them come and go--all the while avoiding certain froggies mouths.

  13. Wow! These pictures are awesome Ratty! Nice and clear. I've never seen a Dragonfly up close like that. They sure are neat looking creatures.

  14. You know I love the dragonflies from my previous post, too...a red one is really unusual...I have never seen one like that in the U.P.! Great find!

  15. Your dragonfly is just beautiful!! And I have the same problem you mention...there's just TOO MUCH cool stuff happening outdoors right now! I guess I could bank some of it for winter?

  16. Wow.. a fiery red dragonfly! the first time seeing a one. It's giving the vibes of a danger alert.. =D

    And yep, some species simply like to pose like celebrities.. I've noticed that amongst birdies too. =D

  17. Beautiful shots Ratty, dragonflies are really hard to capture with the camera. I have been seeing the red ones lately but they do seem to be rare. I love the wings on the red ones, so pretty.

    I understand what you mean, I have found so many creatures and have so many photos it's hard to pick, I have a good backlog for winter at least.

  18. I love to see dragonflies, but I seldom get a good photo :-( I'd be really happy if I'd take a photo as good as yours. Nice work Ratty.

  19. That is so cool. My first in the red dragonfly area also:)
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  20. Ratty! What wonderful pix. Just a fast check-in. I'm between conference and hike. Don't know when I'll have access again. Glad to see you are finding MANY interesting things!

  21. Wow! Really beautiful!
    I love this little dragonfly!

  22. Ratty, great job on this and my first time to see a red dragon fly. I have sent it to my daughter who loves them. The tiny frog is great too.

  23. These red dragonflies are rare to so many of you, but I see very many of them. I think I really am lucky with these things. I'm hoping this will be the last post where I'm behind on everything. The next one should be back to normal.

    Thanks for stopping in, Sharkbytes. I know you are much busier than I am. You are getting closer and closer to making hiking history.

  24. Kirigalpoththa - Thanks. It was fun watching this little creature.

  25. I'm wondering if anyone else in Canada has seen one of these. I saw one just a few days ago (I live in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada - which is Southwestern Ontario). I have seen lots of dragonflies before - but never a red one until now! I checked out a different blog and the people who had seen them and posted were from California or Australia. Just wondering if I'm the first one in Canada to spot one!
