
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Flowers Of The Meadow

The animals have been elusive in my usual places the last few times I have been to them. I guess I deserve that for teasing my favorite geese. Since I was having no luck I decided to go out to the meadow and collect some good pictures of some of the best flowers I could find there.

I don't know what most of these flowers are, but I know the first one. It is called Butterfly Weed, and it is a kind of milkweed plant. Look at the fangs on those tiny flowers! Despite the fangs, the bugs seem to love this plant.

There was a yellow bird in that meadow that liked these flowers as much as I do, but it also liked teasing me and playing hide and seek. I never did get a good picture of that bird even though I chased it all the way across the meadow.

These yellow flowers seem to me as if they would be the main flowers in the meadow, but they are almost lost among some of the others. They seem almost common compared to the fiery beauty of the next one, but I still like this one very much.

These are scattered among the other flowers, and you have to really search to find them. I don't know if they are just another deeper color of another flower, but I love the way they resemble fire. I tried to find one with a little more yellow at the tips, but the meadow is big and I lost them while I was chasing that sneaky little bird.

These pink flowers are the ones that dominate the meadow. They seem to be everywhere! You could walk every few feet and find an excellent specimen. I picked this flower specifically because I liked the look of it from where I happened to be standing.

This one is called Goldenrod. Most of you in my part of the world already know this, but maybe some of you that live farther away are just learning it. And for somebody who is new to flower appreciation, like myself, matching the name with the flower is a new adventure. I have some closeups of this flower, but trust me, you don't want to see those blurry photos.

There are more flowers in this meadow, but I'll save them for another time. In the meantime, try out my Poll at the top of the sidebar. It's quick and anonymous. I really want my new polls to be a success, and there's only a few days left for this one. I'll have a new one up when it's finished. I'll try to make them more interesting each time.

That's it for now.


  1. Wow.. stunning macros! All the flowers look so captivating in those close ups. Would love to see a complete vista of this meadow sometime.

    As for the poll, I've already voted. =D

  2. These flowers are just stunning. It must be wonderful to see in a meadow..

    (Sorry, I made a boo-boo in the previous comment!)

  3. I love me some wildflowers!!! Great photos, can never go wrong with posting flowers for me...there isn't a flower I don't like.

  4. wow, the very first picture hooked me right away! very lovely!!

    am glad you take a look at the beauty of the flowers now, Ratty, and you are very good at it! I love flowers, especially the wildflowers, and it is always a delight to see them.

  5. Flowers of the meadow, flowers by the pathway, flowers in the jungles, they are all flowers, no matter where they are, they are beautiful.

  6. Beautiful flowers are hard to pass up with the camera, and all of those are very beautiful.

    The orange one with the yellow tips is a wild variation of a perennial I grow in my garden. It is a Blanket flower, a Gaillardia, the bees love this one.

    That must have been a wonderful meadow to have so many lovely colors.

  7. These flowers are so pretty and you've captured them perfectly to display the vivid colors and details. Well done my friend.

  8. I bet the meadows are beautiful. Great close-ups! I especially like the first picture. The colors are so vibrant and fun!

  9. i love pics of flowers and i think it is a great idea to show them as well as the animals. you did an awesome job with these ratty!

  10. Harumi - I will be showing you a good photo of the meadow very soon. I will have a fun surprise to go along with it. :)

    Icy BC - The meadow is great. I get some of my best pictures there.

    Don't worry about a messed up comment. I do it all the time. :)

    The Retired One - I'm liking the flowers more every day. They're too photogenic not to like them.

    Betchai - The first picture was my favorite too. That plant is a fun one. I stand in that meadow very often to look at the flowers now.

    Rainfield - That's right! There are plenty of places with flowers, even in the deep dark forest.

    SquirrelQueen - Thank you very much for identifying that flower for me! I love that one and have been wondering what it was.

    Poetic Shutterbug - Thanks. Now I need to show everybody the whole meadow where they grow. :)

    Ashley - The color of the flower in the first picture is special because I have never seen it in orange before.

    PJ - I like the flowers too now. Even better would be to show them and the animals together. :)

  11. Beautiful colours, it must be a beautiful meadow!

  12. I am intrigued by what wildlife might be lurking under the lens of your camera in this meadow! I love the flowers that you are finding. I'd imagine that it is hard to pull yourself away from such a beautiful place.

  13. Glynis - I'm going to show this meadow soon, with a few surprises.

    The Inn and Spa at Cedar Falls - I do indeed have a hard time pulling myself away from that place. There is plenty of wildlife there, but you have to pick the right time of day.
