
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Snail Race


I would never have thought that I’d be slower than a snail, but I couldn’t keep up with this one. This little snail seemed as slow as any other when I found it, but it really turned out to be lightning fast. Let me explain what happened.

I was climbing the path out of a small ravine when I noticed something shiny on a rock that I just passed by. I almost kept going, but I finally turned around, remembering that the reason I was there was to find new and interesting things. This shiny thing was obviously one of them.

When I finally looked to see what I had found, I saw this little snail. It was about two inches long, and it was slowly sliming its way across a stone that was embedded into the path. I quickly realized that I had an opportunity for something very different.


I’ve seen plenty of snails before, but I personally have never seen one so big here in Michigan, even though I’m sure it’s not unusual. The last time I saw a snail this big was when I was a kid. My family lived in Tennessee for a few years, and there were plenty of big ones in the warmer climate there.

Anyway, I started taking pictures of this new, monstrously sized, two inch long snail. As I looked into the view screen of the camera I noticed a lot of blurry shots. I stopped and readjusted my settings for the dim light and tried again.

I’m still learning some of this so I still had a little bit of trouble. As I played with the camera, the snail began to move faster. It’s slow creep became a slow crawl. I tried to get a closer picture, but I still got a blur. I tried again but as quick as a flash the snail moved off of the rock and under an old leaf.

That’s how I lost a race with a snail.


  1. Snail - 1. Ratty - 0.
    That's gotta hurt.
    Still it must have been interesting.
    I love going on these walks with you.

  2. Snail with no shell = slug
    Related but not the same. Me, I like slugs a lot, my friends, not so much.

  3. Fun and cute post, Ratty! Me? I would surely lose to a slug any day..

  4. Kind of funny to be with you on this adventurous day.A slug?? A slug!!

  5. lol, sounds like he was not wanting to be in the limelight for all your readers. mean ole snail/slug, whatever you are...hehehe

  6. Lol, this is the first time i saw naked snail, usually i thought snail can't live without it's shell?

  7. LOL that is way too funny. I guess he doesn't like the paparazzi.

  8. at least, you have the picture which do not look blurry at all :)

  9. I'm just getting back online after my internet has been down for awhile. I'll try to catch up on things as much as I can. Thanks for all the comments everyone.

  10. Ratty, that is just way too funny. But then maybe slugs are faster than snails.
    Good photos, when enlarged you can see some pretty good detail.

  11. An interesting story of an interesting looking slug. No slime trail, but you can see all his dark disgusting insides through his translucent "skin".

    I left you a comment the other day on the squirrel post, but for some reason, it didn't take. I think I even did it twice. Hopefully, this comment sticks! It was something to the effect that Mr. Nutz is just misunderstood. :)

  12. I was gonna comment that it was a slug, not a snail, but Sharky beat me to it. Rats. She's so smart. :)

    I like slugs on the cement, leaving their little shiny trail of slugness behind them. Some call it slime, but I prefer shiny stuff. And I like their little retractable antennae--very cool.

    Now, I don't like it when they eat my hostas, but I have some hungry frogs who solve that problem for me.

  13. Yep...I think i saw one during my last trip too. I thought it was a snail but thanks for the info. It wa a slug...:D

  14. We get millions of slugs in the UK- and I mean millions. Some of them are immense in size, I have seen them 5 inches plus! And at least an inch thick. I don't really like them at all but they do look good in photographs. I'm going on holiday to France tonight so whilst I'm there I'll try to get a photo of the big mean ones hiding at the top of my well.
    Great post as always Ratty :)

  15. "nanna swugs!! nanna swugs." is what my daughter tells me. Ours are bright yellow banana slugs and they are so cool. But I cant say one has beat me yet.

  16. Secondary Roads - I hope to tie that score one of these days. Yeah, it was still fun watching it.

    Sharkbytes - Now that you say it, I remember reading the same thing awhile ago. I still like the word snail better even though it's the wrong one.

    Icy BC - I'll be hitting the gym so I'll be a winner next time. :)

    Rainfield - Yup, lost to a slug. I'm so embarrassed! :)

    PJ - Well, at least he didn't start yelling at me like all the squirrels do. :)

    Vanilla - It's the other way around for me. I usually see them without the shell.

    Poetic Shutterbug - Nope, that was one camera shy slug. He was kind of slick to get away like that.

    Betchai - I got lucky with a few of the pictures. Most are blurry enough to cause headaches.

    Ratty - Excuses, excuses. You're only behind because you're slower than a slug, and you don't even know the difference between that slug and a snail. Hurry up, you!

    SquirrelQueen - Those slugs don't have that heavy shell to weigh them down. :)

    Rene - He was too fast for a slime trail, I think. I want to look closer at those insides.

    Mr. Nutz is definitely not misunderstood. He threatened to attack everyone, and bomb them with acorns. He's a bad squirrel, a very bad squirrel.

    Lin - I'm glad you both caught that one. I knew it, but I forgot all about it. They may be slugs now, but they won't be when your frogs get through with them.

    Rose - Now if you make a post about it, you won't do like me and write SNAIL in giant headlines. :D

    Bemused - We have bigger ones in our southern states. Maybe your slugs replaced all the butterflies. I'd love to see pictures of the big mean ones. Ooh, that sounds scary!

    Julia - I've never seen a banana slug. That would be cool! You don't know embarrassment until you've been beaten in a race by one of these.
