
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another Crazy Squirrel

This story was originally going to be completely different. I was going to show you some boring pictures of this squirrel posed on a branch. As I began to post the pictures, the real story of this squirrel came back to me. Hey, it's hard to remember everything when so many things happen in just one day.

I was walking through the forest in an area where I usually see a few squirrels in the distance. I've posted several pictures of them from this very same area. While I was there, I watched another squirrel playing in the forest, and I got some decent pictures while I was at it. As I turned back to the trail, I saw something even more interesting.

That's right, I saw another squirrel peeping at me from the side of a tree. He seemed to be a happy little guy, and I thought he was a bit shy at first because of the way he hid. I had no idea how wrong I was. I guess it was his actions that came next that won him the prize of becoming an internet star.

Once he knew I actually saw him there, he came out of his hiding place and crawled up along a small branch that was about shoulder level to me. He got to the very end of it and waited patiently while I began taking several pictures of him.

Of course it wasn't enough for this little squirrel to just stand there balanced on the branch. He knew he had to perform if he was going to be seen by people all over the world. He gave me a few standard poses like you might have seen at a million other places, but then he did something strange.

I have no idea what he's doing there on that branch, but it looks like he might be trying to take a nap. Maybe he's hugging the branch. We all know how much squirrels love trees. Maybe this branch is his own scratching post. Whatever it is, it was a good sign that this squirrel was nuts.

After it finally jumped off the branch, I moved on with the intention of heading toward my next destination. I saw which direction the squirrel had gone, and it happened to be in the same general direction that I was headed. I watched it, but I had the intention of forgetting the squirrel and moving on.

As soon as I turned a corner to change paths, I happened to look to my right at another tree. This same squirrel poked his head out again at me. It scurried out as quick as a flash, stood on the side of the tree, and looked right at me. I would swear there was a big smile on his face. It's dark, but you can see the grin if you click the picture.

It waited for me to get a few last pictures, and then it climbed up the tree and out of sight. It's sometimes amazing to see the different personalities of these little creatures. Some are angry, and some are shy and fearful. And then some are curious and friendly like this little guy. Nature is a wonderful thing, and so are squirrels.


  1. That squirrel is a female, Ratty! She just needs some attention from you :-)

  2. Hey, you have more squirrels around - they are fun and are entertaining to watch. Thanks for sharing your posts and great photos.

  3. How a squirrel look like when it has a nap on a branch? If we are them, we will fall. will they?

  4. nice pics, funny squirrel, i like it! can you shoot some video?

  5. sounds like the squirrel was up for a game of follow the

  6. Ratty, these squirrels have become your family and they obviously love the fact that you are photographing them. They think you're the paparazzi.

  7. you always have very exciting encounter with the little animals, i would have to agree with Icy, that grin is from a female squirrel's grin on seeing you, you might be her super-idol.

  8. Icy BC - That might just be the case. My brain turns stupid when a female of any kind tries to get my attention, so usually the only thing that works is hitting me over the head.

    Mike - I usually have plenty of squirrels, but it seems like my camera hasn't wanted to capture them right lately until now.

    Rainfield - Just imagine what it would be like if we had claws like a squirrel so we could climb those branches.

    Steve - I wish I could shoot video. I don't have a video camera, only the normal digital camera. It does video, but the batteries would run down too fast.

    Ann - It did seem to be playing games. I'm just glad it was only one squirrel that was doing that this time.

    Poetic Shutterbug - They know I can make them stars now. Some love me for it, while others yell at me angrily.

    Betchai - Yeah, I might be the big star maker of the forest for them. Maybe I'm their favorite author.

  9. I don't know about you... first the squirrels were at war with you, and now they are posing for you blog!

  10. I always love your little stories about the squirrels. Looks like this one enjoyed having you around. They sometimes will scratch their heads on a branch. They do love the branches and will seem to hug them. The photo with him peeking from around the trunk of the tree is cute.

  11. That smiley squirrel has set a trap ahead of you Ratty! Watch your step! :D

  12. Sharkbytes - I think these squirrels are all nuts. They'll be declaring war on me again in no time.

    Ginnymo - I think you're right, he was scratching his head on the branch. This one seemed to be one of the most curious of them all.

    VanillaSeven - I suspect the same thing. These squirrels are sneaky. As soon as I think they all like me, they'll start bombing me with acorns.

  13. Great photos Ratty, if you can catch them in a good mood squirrels love to pose for the camera.

    The one with the grin is just too cute, I glad I'm not the only one that notices their facial expressions.


  14. OMG...he WAS grinning.
    The question is:
    What was so funny?????
    Does he know something that you don't?????

  15. SquirrelQueen - Catching a squirrel in a good mood is the trick. They are just so unpredictable. I always watch their facial expressions. They have some of the best ones.

    The Retired One - I think he was laughing at me because he thought I was so funny looking.
