
Friday, June 12, 2009

American Koala Bear

American Koala BearFor my story today I'll feature a typical short eared American Koala Bear. Most people think koalas are only in Australia, but here's my picture to prove it's real. Obviously it's a little different than its Australian cousin, but the tree hugging pose is still the same.

Wait! Stop! I know, I know! I'm a huge liar! This is no Koala of any kind, but the squirrels wanted me to tell you that it was. It's just a normal everyday Fox Squirrel. This is the second one to pose for me like that this week. Unfortunately my camera malfunctioned the first time.

And just look at the happy smile on its face. I couldn't say no to the lies it wanted me to tell. Could you say no to that face? I was so eager to keep from getting into another war with the squirrels that I jumped at the chance to help them out. I completely forgot that squirrels are all nuts.

American Koala BearThis is a chubby little squirrel isn't it? I was walking down the trail towards the pond to see how the tadpoles were doing, when this little mischief maker appeared on the side of this tree. I had trouble seeing the squirrel at first, but it climbed up higher and posed so I could get a good long look.

I'm glad I've been experimenting with my camera settings, because every picture I took of this squirrel came out clear. Things aren't at all perfect yet though. I changed to a mode called Program AE so I could increase the ISO speed. It fixed the blurriness but it replaced it with awful graininess. You can see it if you look closely at the picture.

I think I have fixed that since then, but I haven't had time to test it outside quite yet. I'll be doing that soon. I'm hoping I have a few things solved. If not, I know a few other things to change. It should work out well.

Fox Squirrel In A TreeThis last picture is what I saw when I first looked over at the sound I heard just to my right. I have actually arranged these photos in reverse order. I did it so you can see that sweetly smiling face of the squirrel before you see anything else. I just couldn't resist. The little critter seemed so happy!

I don't have a clue as to what the reason is, but these squirrels seem to like me now for some odd reason. Maybe it's because they think I'm nuts too. Or maybe it's because I stand there stupidly grinning at them when I see them. This one was just being polite and smiling back at me. It really just wanted to be a c-lebrity.

Okay, I think that's enough for today. Did you ever think you would see an actual American Koala Bear? Did you ever really believe this squirrel was a koala? Think how cool that would be!


  1. I knew it..It was a good tease! I had to glue my eyes to the first picture to see if it's a koala, and it does looking a little like koala..

  2. Very cute - thanks for sharing! You have an abundance of wildlife (squirrels) to enjoy and share through your photography.

  3. Cute! Good joke. Maybe you will fuel the newest rage in stuffed toys!

  4. Stuffed with nuts they make a good snack.

  5. How sweet, it does look like its smiling! I love tree squirrels, but in my desert area I've only seen ground squirrels. Great pictures. :)

  6. I totally agreed with you initially due to my lacking of knowledge. No matter how, it is really a sweet little thing.

  7. Looks like stuffed soft toy, so adorable!

  8. So cute, good photo and I think he does like you.

    Could it be who you associate with? LOL


  9. This is So beautiful !! I loved the eyes really...So innocent...Great one..Also I Have Started My Own Website And Would Like You To Have A Look At It.I Would Love To Have Your Comments On That Also.Unseen Rajasthan

  10. Ha! Ha! Cute story Ratty!! I love squirrels but now I have way too many. I'm thinking of trying to get someone to come and trap some and take them way up in the country..ha! Have a nice weekend!!

  11. I love your thing with squirrels. It makes me nostalgic for my mother, who had a 80 years war with the squirrels. Every squirrel baffle known to man for the birdfeeders, muttered curses against them in the park...

    By the way, in the long run, I think the squirrels wound up ahead.

    Thanks for your great pictures and commentary.

  12. Octobia, In case you haven't looked at back posts, Ratty had a war with squirrels too. I think he's trying to keep it quiet because there seems to be a truce right now. Check out the squirrel wars. You'll be glad you did. Your mother would love them.

  13. you always bring laughter into my day, those tree hugging squirrel are so cute.

  14. What a lovely post with lovely photos. Great stuff.

  15. Great pictures! I love squirrels, it reminds me of when I was a kid and had one as a pet.

  16. Icy BC - I had to do it. These squirrels have been doing their best to look like koalas since the beginning of the week.

    Mike - I've been lucky to have a lot of places in my area that have these animals.

    Sharkbytes - I was thinking about stuffed toys when I looked at the squirrel. Maybe it was daring me to try.

    WiseAcre - And they probably taste like chicken.

    Diane C. - I'd like to see a few more ground squirrels. Just think of the strange stories I could write about them.

    Rainfield - Just remember that I like to make up crazy stories, especially on Friday. This was the happiest squirrel I've ever seen. I had to make a strange story about it.

    Kruel - Yeah, it's a little fat one. They get plenty to eat out there this time of year.

    Vanilla - Now I'm beginning to wonder if kids would like stuffed squirrel toys.

    SquirrelQueen - That has to be the answer. They're sucking up to me because I'm friends with their Queen now. :)

    Unseen Rajasthan - Yeah, it had the face of innocence. I think it just wanted to be famous.

    Ginnymo - When they take the squirrels, ask them what they can do about those cats that keep eating the chipmunks.

    Octobia - I've heard that nobody can beat squirrels when it comes to them and birdfeeders. The squirrels are just relentless. I've had a few wars with squirrels myself, and I never win.

    Mother Goose - There is a truce because I know their queen. Be quiet though because I don't think she knows I fed several of her subjects to a dragon.

    Betchai - I'm glad to help. The squirrels have been determined for me to post pictures like these.

    Jason - Thanks. The squirrel did most of the work though.

    Goliath - I always wanted something like that as a pet. I almost had a pet skunk once.

  17. He DID look like a little k. bear....wonder if they look like squirrels in Australia?

  18. The Retired One - I wonder if they like to terrorize rats with cameras over there.

  19. LOL Ratty, it does indeed resembe a QB. I have giten up fighting w/ squirrels because like you said, they always win.

  20. Kallen - Yeah, the squirrels always win, and they have terrible tempers right from the start.

  21. Truly is a wonderful animal!

    They always clean my yard of any available acorns, which eases my workload! be honest...there is no substitute for the real thing.

    Have you seen what Harper's Bazaar, Esquire, Queensland, Sydney and many more have teamed up to present?

    Very Stylish and has some of those cute bears too!
