
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Watching The Deer

deerI found out something interesting today. I guess this would take a little more investigation, but it seems that deer can sense when they're being watched. You don't even have to be close to them to be discovered watching them. If you stare at them long enough they know you're there.

I was walking down the side of a small ravine into the valley below, when I saw these deer in the distance. I wasn't being very quiet because I didn't expect any deer around there. Up until now I had never seen more than one deer at a time in this place. There are three in the picture, and probably at least five deer in their herd.

They actually weren't very close to me. They were far away enough that I thought at first they were a couple of boulders. When I focused my eyes I saw that I was seeing a couple of deer grazing in the valley. They had no idea that I was there because I was too far away.

deerThis second picture is a little more like what I saw. The closeup pictures came out unusually good for me. I don't know how I got such good pictures of these far away deer this time. I did have a nice clear view of them though.

Even though they didn't see me walk over here, they looked up as soon as I started taking pictures. I don't have another explanation other than they sensed me watching. If I would have kept walking, I think they would have ignored me.

This isn't the only time this has happened. I've had several other times when deer have sensed me watching them, while they didn't detect me at all while I was walking towards them. You can see other examples here.

deerThis one deer that's looking at me in this last picture was the first one to look up at me. It was also the last one to look away. It just didn't want to give it up. They knew they were far away enough that they weren't in any danger from me, but this one still wanted to keep an eye on me.

I finally started walking again because I had a lot of pictures of them. Then, not being able to resist this opportunity, I stopped again and began taking more pictures. This time the deer decided they had enough of me, so they all turned and walked into the forest.

What do you think? Do you think they can sense when something else is watching them? Or maybe it just took them a few seconds to bother looking up? Either way it was fun seeing them.


  1. I think the deer can sense our presence, and yes, it was fun following your adventure!

  2. I think their sense of smell causes them to look up to see where it is coming from...I am sure they smell humans way before they see us.

  3. I agree with the others, their sense of smell and preservation all lend towards knowing when humans are around. But they are such a lovely site to enjoy!

  4. All the animals and reptiles are able to sense the presence of human easily, usually they choose to avoid us, unless we are to common to them.

  5. Not sure. Sometimes it seems like they have a sixth sense, but like others, I wonder if they smelled you or if they heard your camera once you started snapping.

  6. My husband used to hunt (he does not anymore as he does not have the heart to) and he said that, depending on the wind, animals sense of smell is very acute. But, I’ll tell you another one. We live close to a huge national battlefield park and there are deer in it. Sometimes on Saturdays I would get up extra early to go and do some work at the office, and drive down the road at 5:00 AM or so, and at least 3 times that I remember, I suddenly slowed down for no apparent reason, and sure enough a deer crossed the road in front of me. If I had not crawled down to 30 MPH we would have both been in a terrible accident. Why did I slow down? Could not explain it then, and can’t explain it now.

  7. Icy BC - I think so too, and I'm trying to find out exactly what it is they sense. I think it's different every time.

    The Retired One - It could be smell that they sensed. It could have been that the bushes blocked it until I stopped.

    Nipsy - I'm beginning to think that must be it. There have been a few times when they couldn't see me but still looked up.

    Rainfield - That's true. Today I saw fish swim away from me. Even they knew I was there.

    Rene - It was either a sixth sense or the smell. My camera is very quiet, and I made a lot of noise walking there that they didn't hear.

    Vagabonde - I take a lot of tips from hunters. Wind direction is a very good one. I almost always check it when I'm out. That day I didn't because I didn't expect any deer there.

    I've had similar experiences as yours. I'm glad yours was so helpful for both you and the deer. I have sometimes just known when something was watching me. When I looked, sure enough there would be an animal there.

  8. They have very good eyesight too and can hear very good and always seem to know when someone is around. Smell is very important to all animals in the forest.. Love your photos Ratty. You got some good ones!!!

  9. Ginnymo - I've had very many close encounters with deer. There have been times when I could get right up close to them, and others where I didn't have a chance.
