
Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Day And The Geese Game Winners

I have two things to talk about today. The first one is the announcement of the winners of the Count The Geese game yesterday. This part is tough for me because everybody deserved to win, and there were a few of you who came very close. But what I asked was to count the number of geese. So here is the list of you who guessed the correct number.
Congratulations to the winners! You guessed the correct amount of geese. There was at least one person who guessed a different number than three, but correctly identified the location of those three in the picture. If you want to find out who that is, go take a look here.

Thank you to everyone who played the game. I hope you all liked it.

Now on to what I did all day yesterday! This is something I do sometimes so I can keep this site fresh. I go out and search for new fun things to write about. I did this last winter and found three new nature parks, and several other good things I have yet to write about.

The picture above is one of two places with nature trails that I discovered yesterday. The place in the picture looks promising. The only problem is that it's right next to a shooting range. I doubt I'll ever see very many animals here, but it will be fun to explore.

I forgot to get pictures of the other place. I'll have them soon enough because I'll be going back to that one in a few days. It's much closer to my house than this one. It's actually a state park with extensive nature trails. I can't wait!

This is Orchard Lake. I was driving past this one. I couldn't actually find a place to stop and look at it, so I took three pictures while I was moving. This is on a very narrow twisting turning road that passes in between two lakes. One wrong move and my truck would have been underwater.

One more thing I wanted to show you. This one isn't really nature related, but it is a fun adventure. This is a place where they offer train rides for a small fee. There are several different deals. As you can see on the picture, you can have dinner on this train. I guess it's a moving restaurant.

You can do everything from riding for an hour or two, to going all night and even sleeping on the train. If you want to have a fun experience of riding a train, this is for you. I'll probably go on the short trip to try it out. It might be fun.

That was some of my day today. It was every bit as fun as getting in a fight with a squirrel army. Hey, that was fun too. If you don't believe me, do a search for squirrels here on the blog and find out. I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. That was a clever photo, and the dinner train sounds like a fun thing to do!

  2. If you have mistakenly circle another one, I'll be a winner.
    I have been thinking of having adventure along a river in a boat. That maybe not possible, at least for the moment.
    The lake looks great for hidden wonder.

  3. oh, i love taking the train, sometimes, when i am free, i would just hop in a train, and bring me to no specific location, i know i am safe since i can always take the train back, i love taking it for the views, it is like, having a joyride :)

  4. Nice ride and photos Ratty. I bet you'd get some good photos on that train ride. There is a train near here that goes up into the Adirondacks. I've never been on a train. And never will now. It's weird because I always liked trains and paintings of them. I even collected all the train decanters from Jim Beam years ago when I had my bar. Sold them all though. Sold my train prints also that I had hanging in my home years ago. I thought maybe you had another geese hiding somewhere but all I did see was three. Glad I was right for a change..Ha! Have fun!!

  5. I never would have guess that. My eyes are failing me! ;o). Very cool dinner train.

  6. Icy BC - I try to have little games like that every once in awhile. Yeah, that dinner train looks like it will be very fun. I'll probably have to go for a shorter trip for now though.

    Rainfield - I think a few of you did see the real geese too, and I wanted you to win. I ride in a big boat would really be fun too. I'm going to look for something like that too. In that area there are a lot of lakes just like that one.

    Betchai - That sounds like it would be great fun! You are a true adventurer. I want to try something like that too.

    Ginnymo - I've never been on a train before either. If I do get to go, I'll make sure I get a lot of photos. I actually didn't see the other two geese until I looked at the photos.

    Kallen - I would have never guessed that either without the master photos. Those that won have better eyes than me. I like the train idea. I hope I get to do it soon.

  7. I look forward to your new adventures!!

  8. The Retired One - The first one will be the one I didn't get any pictures of. I'll get plenty then though.
