
Monday, May 18, 2009

Goose Family

goose family, geese and goslingsAs I promised yesterday, here is the family of geese I mentioned. I've actually been watching them for a few days now. They started out on the other side of the lake, but I found them here right in front of me when I went to check on the nesting goose for the final time.

They came over here because their nest area had been upset by a couple of people that were mowing the grass over there. It was simple enough for these geese to just swim to this side where they thought it would be a little safer. They've found an even better place since I took these pictures.

My post yesterday was maybe a little on the negative side because of the situation I just described. I'm sure the nesting goose we've all been watching and waiting for is just fine. I'll be watching for her to swim by with her babies, so I can be the first one to get pictures.

goose family, geese and goslingsNow back to this new goose family. In the first picture they were standing very close to the lake viewing area that is attached to the dam. That is the place where the nesting goose was. Maybe she asked these geese to wait here for me so I'd have some good pictures to show, because she had to take her new family to safety right then.

Honestly, this family of geese seemed to be waiting there for me. They stood there patiently while I got some good pictures. Then when they decided I had enough, they got into the water and swam away. They took their time even doing that, so I was able to get good shots of this too.

goose family, geese and goslingsI don't know if you can tell by the pictures, but the baby goslings in these pictures aren't newborn. They've been around for at least a week. I have more pictures of them while they were on the other side of the lake. Some good ones and some not so good.

Do you notice how the mother stays in front and leads the babies? They follow her wherever she goes. The father brings up the rear to protect the family, and keep an eye out for any little ones that might fall behind. It takes a certain intelligence to have such a close family unit like this.

Most people think that only humans have an intelligence, but what else makes an animal able to do this? It could be only instinct, but then wouldn't that be the same for humans as well? I prefer to think it's a little of both for humans and other animals. We are all more similar than we sometimes think.

goose family, geese and goslingsThere they go. This is the last time I saw them so far. I know I'll see this goose family again, because they seem to like going on these little family outings through the park. I'm hoping I'll get to see our favorite nesting goose and her family too when they're ready to come out. I'm sure they haven't gone far.

I thought yesterday that the story of the nesting goose was at an end. Today I think it might have just gone through a transformation. We'll be seeing a lot of new life very soon. All of the animals will be bringing out their little ones to show them the world. The geese are only the beginning!


  1. Those are beautiful shots of the goose family! Very heart-warming..The third picture shows such a loving family, and is my favorite!

  2. What a peaceful shots.
    The mother, the father and the baby goslings, such a perfect family.
    There are new lives everyday, we see the return of spring every year, the cycle goes.

  3. Awww!! What great photos Ratty!! They are so cute! You got some good shots of them. I'm glad they waited for you. Ha! Hope you see the other family soon. Thanks for all your comments on my critters!!!

  4. Soooo cute! I love watching them swim at our lake too. But of course I do the big no no and feed them bread. They can get very tame. But I know you don't do that at that park, and that is wise. I know I am here almost everyday to feed ours, which wouldn't be true at your park with all the unsafety around!

  5. Awww! Beautiful... and cute! Great photos of such a cute goosey family. :)

  6. Icy BC - Yeah, I like the third one too because they don't look like they're running form me.

    Rainfield - There are new lives everywhere, and not only geese. I'll have some other animals to see pretty soon.

    Ginnymo - I wish I would have shown some of the first pictures from when I got there. They were all standing there looking at me. There were trees in the way though. You take great pictures of your little critters. Everyone should see them. They can see for themselves by following the link in my sidebar.

    The Retired one - Your animals can also trust you not to harm them. At my public places, they can never know what to expect.

    Your Daily Cute - Thanks. The geese deserve almost all the credit. I'm only a messenger.

  7. How adorable they all look on their outing. So, serene and peaceful.

  8. Poetic Shutterbug - This family of geese does everything together. I've never seen them apart.

  9. the third picture looks really very inspiring, family really close together, mom on the lead, babies following and dad watching out for their safety. really a great example. you are right, i do think animals have their certain level of intelligence.

    wow, i will keep looking forward to more geese life.

  10. Betchai - These geese are a good example for us humans. They seem to understand how to run a family better than some of us. It takes a smart human to have a family like these geese have.

  11. I wonder if they ditch the nest quickly because the broken eggs might attract predators? There may be an odor or something from the hatching of the babies and nature may tell them to get the heck outta there. I don't know--just supposing. I think they are okay too, really. There were no signs of distress or harm, so I think they are somewhere safe.

  12. Lin - That sounds like a good possibility. There are some predators around there. The nesting goose was really in a high traffic area. It was probably a really bad place to try to keep live moving babies. I've been watching for the goose. I'm sure I'll see the whole family one of these times.

  13. Hi Ratty. Sorry haven't been by in a few posts. I was really looking forward to seeing some gooses family pictures so I am very glad you saw the other parents! They are really lovely photos. I love how they line up to keep an eye on them and make sure none get left behind anywhere.

    I am sorry you didn't get to see your nesting goose and her babies before they upped and left. I really don't think anyone should be alarmed by that fact. I am very sure that is normal behaviour by water birds.

    Anyway, I loved your recent posts, especially 'the watchers'. Very cool.

  14. Bemused - I was hoping I'd get lucky and see the eggs hatch, but this was almost as good. It really was like they waited there for me, so it wouldn't be so bad. I haven't seen these geese since that day either. I think it was normal behavior too now. I think the goose was probably hiding the new hatchlings the day before.

    I'm not through with those little chipmunks. I have a few more pictures from that day too.
