
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Black Squirrel Chase

I'm back again with another thrilling episode of The Everyday Adventurer! Yesterday we saw a little bit of the gruesome side of nature. Only click the link if you're extremely brave. Today we'll take a more amusing look at the wild world of the woods. Let's have a little fun!

When I went out today there seemed to be an over abundance of squirrels, especially of the darker variety. Of course I mean black squirrels. Everywhere I looked it seemed there was another black squirrel trying to hide from me. Some were a little better at it than others.

This one in my first picture was maybe the first black squirrel that seemed unconcerned with my presence. Of course that might have been because I wasn't exactly close to him. Being far away has never stopped one of these sneaky little creatures from running off as fast as it could before though.

My story really starts right here with the second picture. Take a close look at those ears. He looks like the devil of the forest or something. This little guy stayed very far away from me. The only problem was that I don't think he was very smart. I think he liked playing right out in the open, but he didn't want me to see him.

I could see him from far away, and he could see me pretty well too. Usually this is the point where a black squirrel would disappear into the forest never to be seen again, but not this time. I told you he wasn't very smart, or maybe he was a little crazier than other squirrels.

He did run, but never very far away. He would run a short distance and then think he was hidden. After another minute he'd pop right back out to an obvious spot. It seemed as if he was also not smart enough to move away from the trail I was on. I don't know what his problem was.

Every time I thought he was gone, he would turn up again. This actually went on at least four times. It was funny because he was running in the same direction I was going. He didn't seem to have enough sense just to turn away. I thought for a minute that he wanted me to see him.

I had thoughts that maybe he was trying to lure me to where Mr. Nutz and his army were waiting in ambush, but that couldn't be happening because it's only Wednesday. My fiction stories don't come until Friday, so Mr. Nutz just wasn't going to show up here.

Finally this foolish little black squirrel stopped running next to the trail. He didn't run away like he should though. He ran right onto the trail! I guess he decided it would be smart to run across the trail, again right in plain sight!

Not only was he on the trail, but he was on one of the small bridges. He was giving me a perfect opportunity for a few good pictures. I wasn't going to pass that up! He's a little blurry, but it's because he was running so fast. In reality he was probably scared half to death.

As he got to the edge of the bridge, he paused for a second to look down and try to decide what to do. Maybe he wanted to judge how far of a drop it would be. After all, he was being chased by a giant monster (That would be me, of course). This monster had equally giant feet that went clomp clomp clomp with every step. Uh, maybe not equally. Maybe the feet were a little bigger than equal.

What was this poor little black squirrel's next move? What would he do? How would he get away? Would this story ever end?

After a short pause, the squirrel leaped off the bridge towards freedom! He hit the ground running, and he quickly ran into the forest. He was out of sight and gone forever. He finally came to his senses and got away!

Wait! Wait a minute. I think I saw him run from behind a tree. That does it! I'm not playing anymore. I decided to turn left onto another trail. Stalking this black squirrel was fun, but I've had enough. I didn't want to give him a heart attack!

I figured I should get away from this little squirrel. It was time to leave the park anyway because I was getting tired. Besides, I've had enough of black squirrels for one day. Who was running now?


  1. Ratty,

    We have so many squirrels around us too, and they are very destructive..Eating all my vegetables..Sound like you had a fun time, and a great way to spend the day!!

  2. You are so funny Ratty! I love your little tales. I have never seen Black squirrels. I think they just get used to people and don't really care if they are around at times. They are very curious animals. I wish some of mine would stay in the woods at times..Ha!

  3. You got out of there just in time. They know you load up your imagination on Friday. Mr Nutz and his army had planned a sneak attack.

  4. On other way, the squirrel was telling his friends that, "there was a crazy guy with giant feet kept following my trail, he was running in the same direction I was going.
    Luckily he never followed when I leaped off the bridge, otherwise I would like to see how a big monster looked like when falled off the bridge."

  5. Haven't you heard? This one is trying out for the triafalon (spelling?) in the Olympics. He was just out for training!!

  6. That was some picture of a black squirrel diving off a bridge. Wow! We just don't have many squirrels here so I enjoy all your photos.
    By the way, your write ups are always so wonderful and entertaining. Just the best.

  7. I love the way you were playing hide and seek with him :)

  8. Your blog is so beautiful! Congratulations!!!

  9. I didn't know that squirrels came in black. We have the gray and the red here. Great post!

  10. i thought mr nutz came one day earlier :) oh i chase sometimes the squirrels, chipmunks, rabbit, i think they are super cute. only that, like Icy, I saw some of them enjoying my vegetables :)

  11. Icy BC - I've never been bothered by them. I've seen them get into a lot of things though. And they can have bad attitudes when they're found out.

    Ginnymo - Black squirrels are new to me. A few days ago I had a fox squirrel walk right up to me so it could investigate what I was doing. I have the pictures coming up.

    WiseAcre - Mr. Nutz has been suspiciously quiet lately. He must be planning something big.

    Rainfield - Maybe he was trying to lure me over so his friends could laugh at me. :)

    The Retired One - I hope he was trying out his long distance running, because if it was for speed he was using the wrong person.

    Mountain Woman - I like the one where he was jumping off the bridge too. I'm glad I was lucky enough to get it.

    Poetic Shutterbug - I had a lot of fun with him. I just couldn't believe he was running in that direction.

    Deborah Katy - Thank you very much.

    KML - I only recently found out about the black ones. I only thought there was one kind.

    Betchai - I don't have a garden right now, so I don't worry about that. It doesn't stop me from chasing all three of these. Sometimes they like to chase back though.
