
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Plant Closeups

We've had a lot of rain over the past week, and as a result everything is becoming greener. Yesterday was a beautiful day, and today promises to be even better. I've already found some very beautiful plants, with more to come soon.

When I was out on the trails, I decided to start taking pictures of everything green that I came across. While I was doing this, I kept remembering my inability to get any good shots of some of the budding branches of the trees. The camera just wouldn't focus on them.

As I was making another attempt to get a few good shots, I stumbled upon the manual focus setting. I already knew it was there, but I never bothered to learn how to use it. When I discovered it this time, I began playing with it, and these are some of my results.

These first two pictures are from the same small tree. I think they are from the same buds on the branch, but I took so many pictures that I'm not entirely sure. Learning how to take these closeup pictures is a fun thing for me.

I've been seeing all of these cool closeup shots on other blogs, and I always notice how interesting a plant looks when you can get such a close view of it. I don't know if my camera can do it as well as others, but I never knew it could get as good as it does now.

I decided to give some extra pictures today, because they can tell this green spring story better than I can right now. The pictures tell a good story of how well spring is coming along now. It's getting better every day.

This branch appears to be the same type of plant as the others, but I took the picture at a completely different place. It was on the same day, so I was really busy on the trails. I was enjoying all of the new life I was seeing very much.

I like the rusty color on the edges of the leaves on this plant. I have no idea what any of these plants are, but I don't really mind right now. I'm just having fun observing the wonders of nature in action. I sometimes try to stay ignorant of the details just to keep my enjoyment innocent.

This wasn't much of a photography lesson or anything like that, but it just shows that if you keep going you will learn a lot of things on the way, if you're not afraid to experiment a little. Try out new things whenever you can.


  1. When I am overwhelmed by the greenary, you start to see this bit by bit everyday.

  2. Nice pictures though you just use it now (the manual focus thingy)

  3. Cool deal, Mr Rat! Now I need to get busy and figure out how to do the super macro on mine. I think it's pretty hard to focus it. I fear I may not get it all figured out before the hike.

  4. OH, you've got some apple family thing, maybe a crabapple (?) and a wild black cherry.

  5. Tree buds are getting ready to pop here on the west side. The weeping willow is looking great this morning.
    -- Chuck

  6. It looks like spring has sprung.

  7. These closeups are great. They are detailed and vivid which is something I can never get with my closeup shots. Maybe I need a new camera? :)

  8. You did a grat job with those photos! All pictures are clear and the green and red is so pretty!

  9. Rainfield - I think losing this green every year helps us appreciate it when it comes back. Some of us need that.

    Kruel - I'm glad I learned how to use this camera feature now. I learned it by accident.

    Sharkbytes - Once you figure the super macro out, it will be easy. I take a long time to find some of these settings only because I like to learn as I go.

    I'm glad to know what they are. I never tried to find out, because I knew I'd never find them. Thanks.

    Secondary Roads - I've been watching weeping willows too, but the ones I've seen are all far away from me so far.

    Cube - Yes, spring has sprung, and it's getting ready to explode.

    Poetic Shutterbug - I thought my camera couldn't get stuff like this either, but then I stumbled across the manual focus. Maybe that's all you need to do too.

    Kallen - Thanks, I just recently learned how to get the quality that good, but I'll be working with these settings from now on.

  10. I see your trees are a lot further than those around here.

    The pics are good, before long you'll have that camera tamed. We'll see how bad you get bitten by the camera bug and if you catch the new camera fever.

  11. wow, all your pictures came out so clear and vivid, i especially like the first one, the colors are bursting with life, and the focus is great, though your focus in all the rest are actually great too, to think it is your first time to experiment on the manual setting.

  12. It's a bit strange for me reading so many posts talking about budding trees and all that being from the Philippines where most of the trees wear green all the time. I tried to imagine what would I feel if I were in your place. Well, exactly like you I suppose. Must be a wonderful feeling of anticipation, waiting for spring.

    Thanks for sharing.

  13. WiseAcre - I think all the rain we've been having is what brought all of this green. That camera bug has been chewing on me for about a year now.

    Betchai - I actually had several tries to get that first picture right. I hope I can get better with the manual focus.

    DeanDean - We do get a sense of anticipation for the better weather, but that's because we have to go through cold winters here. Winters have some good qualities, but towards the end we're ready for spring and warmer temperatures.

  14. Wow! These are great nature photos! I saw your comment over at Kruel's blog about the ec cards I made him. Thanks for the nice comment!

    I'd like to invite you to my other blog then and if you like you can follow me and I will follow you too :-) There are just so many ec bloggers out there and its nice to keep in touch with some.

    have a Great Week!

  15. Daisy - It was nothing at all. You did do a great job for him. You should be proud.

    Sure thing. It's always good to meet a new friend. :)

  16. I'm getting caught up on reading the blogs when I was gone since last Friday....
    your shots are beautiful.
    Don't you love the color of new green on plants. It is a beautiful bright green that goes away when summer comes....

    The Retirement Chronicles

  17. The Retired One - From the pictures you brought back it looks like you had a good vacation, despite being sick.

    This definitely the time to see green life, and to think it's still getting better.
