
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Computer Problems

My computer problems from the other day have taken a turn for the worse, and my computer has been down all day long. The problem turned out to be a dying video card, and the computer would not accept the new one I bought. I've been working on it all day, and I finally fixed it at 11:00PM. Unfortunately, as a result, I have no new post ready, so Friday's post will be late, and there will be no Fiction Friday post this week. I do have some good stuff for later in the day though.

- Ratty


  1. Darned computers! Hope you are fully back in our virtual forest soon!

    Too funny- my verification word is beape!

  2. Good thing you finally got it working...I think when my computer is down that it bums me out the most, even more than when my car is in the shop for repair. I've grown very attached to my computer.

  3. Ratty! Sad about the computer, but love those woodpeckers. Nothing new from me yet as I am away on vacation. I am going to try to get something up on dandelions, but I don't know if I can. I have had all the "Connecticut" woodpeckers at Hill-Stead (and in my yard). Did you know that the bike helmet industry is studying woodpeckers to see how they can peck without doing damage to the brain? It seems that woodpeckers have a nature-made helmet of their own.....Cheers, Diane Tucker, Hill-Stead Museum

  4. Got to love them computers. Cars and computers - they keep on asking for more money to feed them (cars more often). Looking forward to you next postings.

  5. Sharkbytes - I think I am finally back all the way, but I have a lot of catching up to do now.

    Karen - I've been somewhat of a computer geek since i was a kid, so to me it almost feels like the end of the world. You should've heard me whining about it. :)

    Diane - Dandelions would be an excellent idea. I don't think I've ever seen anything else about them. I hope you can do it. I saw something very small on TV about the helmet thing, it's a very interesting idea if it helps. I wonder about their hard heads a lot when I hear them.

    Mike - That's right. Both seem to break down constantly. At least I'm pretty good at working on computers. Cars are harder for me, but I seem to figure things out, even though I hate when either are emergencies.

  6. Sharkbytes - I almost forgot, that verification word is funny. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP is one of the sounds I got to hear over and over yesterday. :)

  7. I freak out without my puter :) I'm enjoying the relationship between you and the goose.

  8. Poetic Shutterbug - I've been freaking out myself for the last few days. That goose is one of the most interesting things I've seen so far. I hope I can see the outcome.

  9. My computer has never turned me down these few days, except I was running short of time. Why there is only 24 hours a day?
