
Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Beauty Of Spring

apple budsA few days ago I discovered how to use the manual focus on my camera. I began experimenting with a few spring plant closeups and I liked the results, so I decided to continue to do this whenever I can. I've even learned a few more tricks in the past couple of days. I'm still just beginning though.

On that first day the cluster of new leaves that I featured had a small touch of red in the middle. You could only see it if you looked very closely. The first picture showed it very well. I explained that day that we've had a lot of rain. The rain is what brought out all of this beauty of spring. Well, there's been more rain, and it's still working it's magic.

apple budsThe plants I'm showing you here today are the same plants I brought to you then. After only a few days the tiny little color of red has become something even bigger and more beautiful. That little bit of red in the leaves have become budding flowers.

These buds have now opened up to form full flowers even a few days after these pictures. I'm not quite able to bring them to you yet, because the wind has been much too strong to get any clear shots of them. This red color brightens up to pinkish white when they're in full flower.

I stood there for a good ten minutes trying to get pictures of these plants. Every time I thought I had a good chance, the wind would whip up and start blowing the branches on this tree all over the place. I even attempted to try a few other trees, because there are so mnay of them around here, butthe wind was having none of that.

apple budsI'll have to see if there's a way to deal with the wind in these situations. I haven't figured out how I'm going to do it yet though. While I was out there, I heard a loud crash come from the forest. It was the sound of a tree falling. I never heard that sound before, but it was unmistakable. I never found the fallen tree because there are so many in a forest, but I'm glad I wasn't close to it when it fell.

Out with the old, in with the new. One tree falls, and another sprouts new life. More trees will sprout up where the old one used to be. You can see this beauty of spring and new life in these pictures. New life is everywhere right now. Spring beauty brings great feelings with it.


  1. Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons - spring for the renewal of life - all of the plants, trees, grass are coming back to life - pretty flowers and a welcome site from the winter. Fall is beautiful in the spectrum of colors displayed as the leaves change colors.

  2. Really nice pictures! I'm not a fan of pink, but it always seems so luscious in unfolding buds that it makes it ok!

  3. Beautifully focussed and vivid details. I wish I could get closeups like these. They're really beautiful.

  4. yehey, what beautiful pictures, and I love pink, :), hehehe, pink is my favorite color and I go crazy when I see pink flower, hehehe. oh, your pictures really are greatly focused, so vivid, love them,

  5. Negotiation with either breeze or wind is always tough. This need patience especially on the macro view.
    This is the crazy experience talk. Haha..

  6. Mike - I like them both the most too, mainly because of the nice moderate weather. Not too hot and not too cold.

    Sharkbytes - For me it could have been any color on these buds. I just liked how the color makes them seem to just jump right out.

    Poetic Shutterbug - I'm still working on improving the closeups. My camera is actually much better than I use it for. If yours has a manual focus, you could probably do this too.

    Betchai - Pink seems to be one of the main colors of spring, so this should be a good time for you. Most of the vividness and good focus is purely luck right now.

    Rainfield - I usually have more patience than I did the last time with the wind. Every time I tried though, the wind would start again, almost as if it was teasing me.

  7. I so enjoyed the pictures of your spring flowers, they are beautiful. Spring flowers bring us such joy in their color and growth. To me, they are a sign of renewal in the life cycle. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Karen - I'm glad you like them. I think of them in the same way. I'm beginning to appreciate flowers more and more.
