
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Friendship Award

I received a wonderful award recently... Twice! This is called a Friendship Award.

My friend The Retired One from The Retirement Chronicles gave me this award. Here's her post about it: Award!!

My friend VaBookworm from Confessions Of A Bookworm gave me this award too! Here's her post about it: The Friendship Award

The rules of this award are to paste the following text somewhere in the post:

These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to those bloggers who must choose at least 5 more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

Now what I'm supposed to do next is list my 5 or more friends right below this sentence. Any of you who have been reading this site for awhile know that I like to do things a little differently (CHEAT). My list of friends is too long for that, so I'm going to pass this award to everyone I have linked to in my sidebar over on the right. I also want to pass it along to everyone in my Followers list. I visit many of their sites on a daily basis, so I'd like them all to have this award.

If any of you want to pass it along in a post of your own, leave a comment about it right here so everyone else here can read your post.

Thank you Retired One, and thank you VaBookworm for each award. They made me happy today.

I have another post today. Keep Reading!


  1. Congratulations on the awards :)

  2. Hi Cheater- I might accept this one too. I'm thinking about it. I've made a couple of new blog friends lately I could give it to. And CONGRATS!

  3. congratulations on your award, and yes, you deserve it so well despite being a cheater, haha!

  4. Wiggy - Thank you very much!

    The Retired One - Cheating is one of the fun parts of an award. :)

    Sharkbytes - It's already yours. I'm looking forward to your post if you decide to do it.

    Betchai - Thanks. For some reason I like being called a cheater. :)

  5. Ratty... Given you like Dangermouse did you see the pics of me in my Dangermouse costume at my mates 30th birthday paryt?

  6. Wiggy - I sure did! Check your archives. I even left a comment complimenting you on it. :)
