
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Winter Scenes From Carpenter

Today I have run out of words, so let the pictures do the talking.


  1. Wow, lovely scenes but would be too cold for me! Annie from UK

  2. I LOVE snow, missing it so much from Florida ...ugh

  3. when I wake up, I see green green leaves on top of trees on the winter trail. Am I still in a dream? Where is Alice?

  4. I especially love the last one, the walkways, bridges always fascinate me, and it looks happy despite being powdered with snow.

  5. I have to admit I'm getting tired of winter scenes. All that white is getting to me. I can't wait till we can display some signs of spring.

  6. Even I am so anxious for some green I'm contemplating a trip this weekend. But I like the walkway one too.

  7. Beautiful shots of just the peaceful winter woods.
    BTW,I have tried to leave comments the past few days on your posts, and it hasn't let me. I am still on the road traveling on our trip..we are staying in Madeira Beach Florida a few more days before heading back north. Hope you get this message!!!

  8. Annie - Actually the two days that these photos are from were quite warm. The snow was melting quickly.

    Tulip's Talking - I miss it when it's gone too, but it's been a long winter.

    Rainfield - Alice is still back in the dream. I wonder if she knows how to bring back the green leaves here.

    Betchai - That last one is also my favorite. I almost didn't put it in there, because I've talked about that walkway so much before. It looks good now, and I can't wait to see it when the warm weather comes back.

    WiseAcre - I know exactly what you mean. Despite trying very hard to stay positive, this long winter is getting to me.

    Sharkbytes - I've gone back to that park just to see that little walkway. I hope it isn't crowded when it gets warm.

    The Retired One - Thanks. I discovered the problem with the comments. It was the in-page view. I changed it back to the classic view, so it seems ok now. This was a Blogger-wide problem. I couldn't comment on several other sites yesterday.

  9. I like the 1st photo where the leaves turned green, yet the ground still covered with snow. Beautiful :)

  10. As much as I am ready for Spring, Winter has a sense of quiet virginity that I will miss.

  11. VanillaSeven - I like that one too. The green is why I put it first. The tree is actually a bushy looking evergreen. I've never seen that kind anywhere else before.

    The traveler - I think the rest of us will miss the winter too when it's gone, but this one has been a long one already.

  12. wow, nice pictures you got here. Im from a tropical country and I dont know when will I be able to hold snow.

  13. Zelmarq - Snow is a wonderful thing. I hope you get to experience it someday.
