
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Snowy Animal Tracks

I'm going to try to keep this short today, because I'm full of cold medicine. It's keeping me from knowing what to write, and the writing might come out even stranger than normal. I have some more photos from my new discovery, Carpenter Park.

My photos for today are all animal tracks, and one foot. It looks like a lot of people came through here, but not one of these tracks is human. All of these tracks were made by deer. I knew this forest was full of deer, but there are a lot of tracks through here.

Most of this snow is melted by now, because we are experiencing a false springtime right now. The only problem is that along with the warmth, it has been raining nonstop. It would have been fun to go out, but with the rain and my cold I can't go anywhere.

I'm not quite sure what made these tracks, but they look to be the size of possum or raccoon tracks. This place is going to be great when spring really gets here. It may turn out to be great even before then. I'm sure I'll find out. It's been pretty good so far.

This last footprint is only from a dog, but it was huge. I tried to give some perspective by putting my foot in the photo, but I'm not sure it worked. Just to let you know, my feet are huge. My shoe size is fourteen. Hopefully that gives you an idea of the size of this dog footprint. I wasn't sure this was even a dog at first. This must have been a big dog!

Okay, I think that's enough for today. Sorry it's such a short post. I'm very tired from this cold of mine. I just didn't want to start typing the letter b over and over or something strange like that. This cold medicine is really messing me up. My mind isn't quite here right now. bbbbbbbbb

None of that was too strange, was it? Hopefully I'll talk more tomorrow.


  1. That paw print looks pretty big (the first one) just how big are racoons?! I've never seen one, we don't have interesting animals like racoons or possums here in the UK. And yep, that dog paw print does look pretty big too- like a great dane or something?

  2. I am seeing Yeti with pant and shoe. Maybe only for those from Michigan. Ha Ha!!

  3. Let's just hope there is long underwear and wool socks under that shoe. And also, young man...where are those winter boots! No WONDER you have a cold....
    Just kidding. Thanks for taking the time to post even when you are sick. Now, go to bed for God's sake and take care. We can wait for your next adventure....!

  4. Oh, Ratty, I'm so sorry you don't feel well. Nasty weather here too. Take care. The slushy show can contribute to the print size. I'm actually collecting pix for a post about that, but not quite ready yet.

  5. sorry to know you are sick, hope you get well rested and feel better soon. the first paw print looks huge, looks bigger than your size 14 :) thanks for giving us a comparison.

  6. That is a huge paw print. It might even be bigger than a raccoon. Great photos.

  7. Hindleyite - I wish it was a Yeti. I'm the only bigfoot in those pictures.:)

    Bemused - It was just a closeup of the first paw print. Raccoons can get to about twice the size of a cat. Same for possums. I was thinking Great Dane for the dog too.

    Rainfield - Our Yetis aren't used to such cold weather, so they need pants. Actually, the rest of me sometimes resembles a Yeti too.:)

    Retired One - Actually I was dressed very warmly. It's hard to see in the picture, but those are winter boots with ice cleats strapped to them. I think it was more the medicine affecting me than the cold.

    Sharkbytes - Actually it was the drastic change to warm weather that did me in. I found other evidence of the size of that dog later on, but I figured it might be rude to post the picture.

    Betchai - Thanks. The first one was only a closeup shot. The print was maybe a little bigger than a cat print. The dog print was really huge though. It made my clown feet look smaller.:)

    Poetic Shutterbug - The Raccoon print only looked big. I didn't think to do a comparison at the time. I only thought of it later because the dog print was so big.
