
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cloudy Day Sun

I'm not going to say much today, because I think it would ruin the effect of the photos. I took this series of pictures of the sun coming from behind the clouds, one shot right after the other. I think this is better than if it was animated. There isn't much writing today, because I hope the pictures speak for themselves.

I hope you liked it. That was what I saw before the sun went back into hiding behind the clouds. This all happened in about thirty seconds, but now it will last forever. I'll talk to you next time, and talk, and talk, and...

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  1. Hi Ratty. You've captured the scene perfectly. What time of day did you take them?

  2. Wonderful.
    Yesterday we had a snow rainbow. I was just getting out of the shower when I saw it. I quickly got dressed, ran to get my camera, and looked back out the window, and you could no longer see it.
    That's what I get for trying to be clean. ha!
    Nice shots...thanks for sharing them.

  3. Hi Ratty...Nice photos you have here.
    Remember the photos of sunset that i took and post in my blog last week? Till today, i still can't see the same scene again. Only that day, maybe because the weather is bad too. But the main point is, just capture the moments.....

  4. amazing pictures! I wish I had a scene like that right now. It's just gray skies for me.

  5. John - I took them at about 4:45PM. The sun wasn't high in the sky, but it wasn't exactly setting yet.

    Retired One - A rainbow is towards the top of my list of things I have to get! Bad timing has always been my problem too.:)

    Rose - Yes, I remember them well. Your sunset photos are what inspired me to take these. These aren't exactly sunset, but similar. I'll never be able to get a photo of a sunset on the water like yours, because the water close to me is east. When I want to see some, I'll just have to look at yours.:)

    Naturegirl - Our skies here are just turning gray. I guess nobody's weather here is great right now. It's still good enough for me to go out.:)

  6. Hi Ratty- yes, you are on the "sunrise side." You'd have to visit me to get a sunset on the water. But these are great. And I like the fact that it's not actually sunset at 4:45 any more! Stayed light till after 6 pm here tonight.

  7. Beautiful!!! I love the contrast of warm colors from the sun and the cool colors of winter.

  8. Sharkbytes - I can't really even get a sunrise, because the Detroit River isn't quite wide enough. But you're right, things are looking better. The days are getting longer, and it's beginning to resemble Michigan weather here a little more.

    Betchai - I think winter is the only time to get the sun like this here. In the summer it's at an angle that seems always blocked by something here. It will give me something to try next summer.
