
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Almost Wordless

I've seen a few other blogs with an idea that I thought was interesting, and might be good to try. They called it Wordless Wednesday. This post is of course not totally wordless, but I figured I'd try it out, or at least something similar.

I decided to bring you some pictures of a few of the hiking trails that I travel. Instead of a story for each one, I thought I'd just give you more photos than usual. These pictures were taken just a few days ago. They're not spectacular, but they're what I see when I go hiking. So let's see how this almost Wordless Wednesday works out.

What do you think? Is this Wordless Wednesday thing a good idea, or maybe not so good? Do you want this every once in a while, or should I go ahead and talk? I would really appreciate some honest opinions on this. I won't be offended either way. This is just an experiment so far.

See you tomorrow with a few more words than this!


  1. Hi Ratty,
    Excellent idea, these are the places I like to hike all year, similar to my Wisconsin countryside.


  2. I would love words but with more pics as I am a reader thousands of mile away in a hot country

  3. I like the idea as an occassional variation on your usual posts. I always enjoy your photos, but I also like the story that goes with them.

  4. I love your word and photo blogs. They are all so inspiring. I would so much enjoy being and hiking there right now. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  5. I like the concept! Ive heard of thankful Thursdays, but never wordless wednesday! Maybe I'll start to do the same thing!

  6. Thanks everybody. I really appreciate the feedback on this. :)

    I think I might do more this way, but only occasionally. I think I like to write too much to do it even once a week. I kept having to stop myself from adding more to this one.

    When I saw a few other people doing it I thought it was a great idea. I think it's a good way to get a few more of the photos that I really like up here for you all to see.

  7. Those look like some well worn trails.

    - Evan

  8. I think it is great. Sometimes we read pictures, sometimes we see stories. For a dyslexic like me, a picture can say more than 1000 words. I truly enjoy both your pitures and you writings; they both take me to a good place!

  9. Those trails are becoming crowded now that the cold weather is here. Who would have thought?

    The pictures are what gave me the idea to start this blog. I always liked nature pictures, so I decided to get some of my own. I like to write, and as you can see if you look back to the beginning, I'm learning as I go along. :)

  10. Hi Ratty,

    I like the story that goes with the pictures, but I wouldn't mind shorter stories and more pictures. :-)

    I love wandering around taking photos for my blog, so when I'm stuck at home it's great to read about someone else doing it.


  11. hi
    in my opinion, just keep the words. otherwise will soon come Silent Saturdays too :)
    nice photos, i would trade for that my hot weather...altough only for a couple of hours!

  12. Hi John, and Hi Tingtong. I'll try to keep the words and add more pictures. I try to limit both just a little bit. I'm still learning as a writer, and I'm still looking at finding more places to store all of these pictures. I don't want to run out of space for either one. As I continue, I'll try to do these things in a way that is satisfying for most people. I really appreciate the input from everyone. It's been very helpful. Please, keep it coming. :)

  13. I liked having more photos but keep your stories.

    I hear you about storage, I'm not sure how much space Blogger gives you but I am pretty sure it's not enough. I've got gigabytes on my server and I have to burn CDs to keep space available on my computer (one photo on-line usually = 30 on my computer).

    You might want to consider buying some hosting space. It's fairly cheap these days and you should be able to link directly to them in order to display them on your blog. (not sure how Blogger works with images so best to check first)

  14. Woooo. Snowy hiking trail which I do not experience before. The freezy weather should have frightened the monkey away. That's why you can't see them, I think.

  15. Thanks for the good advice, WiseAcre. I'm planning on doing pretty much everything you've mentioned, sometime down the road. But right now I'm still doing okay on space. I'm being a little conservative with the picture count just to be on the safe side, so I have plenty of time to figure out exactly what I'll do when the time comes. Blogger actually gives a pretty good amount of space. I should be able to go for quite some time like this. :)

    Hi Rainfield61. Yeah, it's way too cold for monkeys here. I wish we had some monkeys here, that would be fun. :)
