
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Breathtaking Scene

I thought I would show a couple of the beautiful sights I saw of Newburgh Lake from Sumac Pointe. I have to say, I'm not sure there are too many places that are more splendid to see. I've been to others that I never wanted to leave, and what I saw here matches up favorably.

I think I like everything here, from the flooding water, to the floating algae, to the trees, and to the sky. Even the muddy land on the edge of the shore that I was standing on. I think it was all wonderful.
I just can't help but love this with the green all around. I've said before that a place looked like it was made in heaven. This is another little section. How can anyone not want to sit down and cry in sheer joy when they see something like this for themselves. This picture has a quality of peace in it, right down to the ducks swimming across the water. For me this was truly a breathtaking scene.

I've seen other pictures just as good as these all over the internet, but think what it's like when you've actually seen some of these places for yourself. Don't you want to go back every day? Don't you want to find even more? An afternoon indoors can't compare.

After you're done here, shut off your computer, and go out and find your own heavenly place. When you're finally able to tear yourself away from it, come back here and tell me about it. There are others who do it. Just check my comments section, and see for yourself. You can do it too.


  1. I didn't think of commemting before. I must not live too far from you. After reading about your day at Kensington Park I decided to go. I hadn't been there in years. I took my grandchildren and we went to the petting farm. (I told my grandson he could not trade the cow for a magic stick.) We also found a nature center. Did you know it was there? And there is a place near the nature center where we could see the catfish feeding. It was such a lovely time. We already have plans to return. Thank you for the inspiration.


  2. As a matter of fact, I have a post up about rattlesnakes, and the pictures came from the nature center.

    I have some nature center info as well as a few pictures of those very same catfish, hopefully to come in the near future. I am so easily distracted by shiny new things, that I forget about the stuff I did yesterday.

    If you see your grandson waving around a suspicious looking stick, take it away from him.
