
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Something Sneaky Back There

While I was taking pictures of the geese, I saw something strange back there toward the trees. Towards the top of the picture, just to the left of the path you can see a mysterious animal laying there. I decided to take a closer look, so I walked back towards it. Now, I shouldn't pretend this was the first time I've seen it. I saw it before, but I didn't know what it was. Now I do.

It's another woodchuck! This is the closest I could get before it ran off into the trees to the left. I've seen other animals back here before. Behind the trees is a creek and the forest goes on for quite a ways. I see deer sometimes, but not in a while. I mentioned the geese before. A few days before I saw the woodchuck for the first time, I saw something potentially dangerous. I looked back there one day, and right at the edge of the trees there was a dog like animal, but it was no dog. It was wild, and I suspect it was a coyote. It was moving around back there, and when it saw me it bolted into the trees. Then I saw it peering out of the edge of the trees at me. I gotta say, It made me a little afraid. Gladly, I haven't seen it since. If I do, I'll try to get a picture. Even so, I'm finding out I can find adventure every day in my own backyard.


  1. Two weeks ago my camera died and I was devastated. But then I decided it was a good thing since now I have an excuse to buy a better one. After a week of research I decided to get a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28 with a 18x zoom lens. I'm looking forward to shooting the wildlife that always seemed to be just out of range of a good shot.

  2. I have a Canon Powershot A590 IS. I'm new to cameras, so I'm still learning to use it. So far, I love it.
