
Sunday, August 24, 2008

More Clarenceville Bridge

I don't know what it is, but something made me feel like revisiting the Clarenceville Bridge. I do like bridges. I figured I'd take this little break from nature and look at this again. When I look at it from here, it looks like a giant insect. It's the first time I've seen something like this outside of a cartoon. I'm glad it doesn't move. Let's go up inside the belly of the beast.

From here it's a pretty nice view. I'm walking through a long transparent tunnel. I can see every direction from here. If you were to walk up here, you'd have an amazing adventure just looking around. I can look down and see a truck pass right under me from here. In every direction you can see something different and interesting. Just think, I'm showing this all to you for free. If you were to go here yourself you'd have to pay...nothing. Hmm, still free. I must be doing it wrong.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I like bridges.

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