
Saturday, August 23, 2008


I was talking before about the changes I was seeing everywhere. Here's a good example. In the pond here you can see this green muck everywhere. It's called green algae. Up close here it looks the thickest, but it's just as thick far out there too. It looks like lumps in the water wherever you look. It gives the whole pond a green tint. The pond seems to have a lifeless look because of this. Most of the time I see some sort of animal moving on or in the water, today there was nothing. I usually have a peaceful feeling coming out here, but because of the way it looks right now it just makes me feel alone. I gotta say it's not a good feeling, but it's not a bad feeling either. It is a feeling that made me want to hurry on my way. Still, it was an interesting adventure, and I'll be back here again sometime to see what further changes there might be.

Green algae (singular: green alga) are the large group of algae from which the embryophytes (higher plants) emerged.[1] As such, they form a paraphyletic group, although the group including both green algae and embryophytes is monophyletic (and often just known as kingdom Plantae). The green algae include unicellular and colonial flagellates, usually but not always with two flagella per cell, as well as various colonial, coccoid, and filamentous forms. In the Charales, the closest relatives of higher plants, full differentiation of tissues occurs. There are about 6000 species of green algae. [2] Many species live most of their lives as single-cells, other species form colonies or long filaments.

Hey, are you still here? Go look at some of my other stuff! Really. It's pretty good.

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