
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stopping To Rest

Benches like this one are scattered throughout the Woodland Hills trails. If you need to rest you won't have to wait long here. This is the first bench you'll see here. When I got here today there was an older man and woman sitting here. We had a nice conversation. They told me they preferred this park to Heritage Park. They said they liked it because it was more peaceful and there weren't as many people here. They asked how far back I was going, and I told them I was going clear to the back. The woman then urged me to get a trail map, and said the same a few more times. I reassured her by letting her know I had been coming here for a few years, and I knew my way around pretty well. She was surprised to find out there was a pond in the back. They asked where I was from, and we found out we only lived a few miles apart. We talked a little more before I moved on. Nice people. You never know what you'll find when you're on an adventure. This was a little pleasant surprise. Maybe sometime I'll have to work up the courage to ask to take pictures of some of the people I meet along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Just tell folks it is for your blog...that's how I got past my nervousness about taking photos of some interesting things and people ... it seems most of them are happy to oblige.
